Re: [PATCH v5] zram: break the strict dependency from lzo

From: Rui Salvaterra
Date: Fri Nov 20 2020 - 04:10:29 EST

Hi, Minchan,

On Thu, 19 Nov 2020 at 22:26, Minchan Kim <minchan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> What's the purpose of ZRAM_AUTOSEL_ALGO?
> If you and Sergey already discussed, sorry about the missing it.

The purpose of ZRAM_AUTOSEL_ALGO is to make sure at least one of the
required compression algorithms is enabled, either as a module or
built-in. I believe Sergey agreed with the reasoning behind it, but
he'll let us know if I misunderstood. :)

> Below doesn't work for your goal?

Unfortunately, it doesn't. :( It breaks the dependency chain, allowing
you to deselect all compression algorithms in the crypto menu, and
consequently disabling zram. This is only my opinion (and I know
select directives should be very well justified), but I believe that
it should be zram to make sure its required libraries are enabled, and
not the other way around. Having to select a compression algorithm in
the crypto menu for the zram block device to appear in the block
devices menu seems backwards to me.
