Fair Pay: Some interesting observations of symboldevelopment, Uni / I-T
From: Ywe Cærlyn
Date: Thu Dec 03 2020 - 15:38:57 EST
For people interested in subconscious interaction and symboldevelopment
(which is a great part of business and related psychology), one should
know that Uni is a minimal state zén symbol, compatible with Islam and
science, and is idolaterous culture, corrected as school. Basically
stating there is no christian god, and that is what being educated means.
The later symbol I-T, is also a minimal state zén symbol, compatible
with Islam, and science, and is idolaterous culture rejected. And the
christian god, almost conquered, stating it should be corrected to a
general term, such as one Guad. And that again needs to point to the
correct one.
Zén is a general teaching stating that egolessness is to be obtained.
One has discussed egocults, and if "Linux" is an undesired cultic symbol.
The best here might ofcourse be I-T Clan X, referring all developers
instead. Which also is a symbol stating a full philosophy is needed. Not
just the Batin (subconscious / deep zén), but also the Zahir
(conscious), and thus Islam.
And also that the left-to-right "Allah" symbol in arabic script, may be
SINO in latin script.
Indeed an interesting development, and hope for fair pay political unity
in east and west.
Ywe Cærlyn
Fair Pay Initiativetaker.