RE: [PATCH v3 05/14] software_node: unregister software_nodes in reverse order
From: David Laight
Date: Thu Dec 24 2020 - 13:38:30 EST
From: Daniel Scally
> Sent: 24 December 2020 14:14
> >> The array will be unwound in reverse order (i.e. last entry first). If
> >> any member of the array is a child of another member then the child must
> > children ?
> Yes, you are right of course.
The second 'child' is a back-reference to 'any member' so is singular
so 'child' is correct.
'the child' could be replaced by 'it'
You could have:
If any members of the array are children of another member then the
children must appear later in the list.
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