[PATCH] media: i2c: imx219: Rewrite tables and implement more modes
From: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
Date: Fri Jan 15 2021 - 13:53:37 EST
Enhance the feature set for this camera sensor by in rewriting the
entire tables (as they were just meaningless magic register writes)
in a similar form, but giving some names to the actual registers
we write to, separating common sequences and reusing them for the
various configuration variations that are now supported, hence
implementing support for:
- 8MHz XCLK, as used by (and not only) some Sony Xperia smartphones
- 4-Lane Mode in both 24MHz and 8MHz XCLK configuration
- High Frame Rate output modes support on 4-Lane operation, up to
1000FPS (also on 2-Lane but, being bandwidth-constrained, the
maximum achievable frame rate gets lower there)
- Frame Bank Control Groups, in order to support a fast output
resolution switch, without resetting the entire sensor during
a streaming session: here the new mode gets configured on the
secondary (or primary, read: "the other") bank and the sensor
will be able to switch to it at the end of the "current frame".
Please note: an unknown register write sequence was found in both
the Raspberry Pi and a Sony Xperia smartphone i2c dump, but this
seems to do literally nothing, as the sensor seems to work
in the exact same way when sending and when not sending this
write sequence, which is undocumented in the datasheet.
Both the authentication and magic sequences were left in the
driver with a big comment explaining what's going on so that,
in the event that someone discovers the meaning of it (or
Sony distributes documentation for that), it'll be pretty
straightforward to insert them when needed.
All the modes that got implemented in this commit have been tested
with all combinations of 24/8MHz, 2/4Lane, all resolutions, on the
following smartphones:
- Sony Xperia XA2 (SDM630)
- Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra (SDM630)
Signed-off-by: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno <angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/media/i2c/imx219.c | 884 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
1 file changed, 580 insertions(+), 304 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/media/i2c/imx219.c b/drivers/media/i2c/imx219.c
index 92a8d52776b8..360730d5b81c 100644
--- a/drivers/media/i2c/imx219.c
+++ b/drivers/media/i2c/imx219.c
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
* Flip handling taken from the Sony IMX319 driver.
* Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
+ * 8MHz, 4-Lane, High Frame Rate modes, Frame Bank Control groups,
+ * fast mode switching
+ * Copyright (C) 2020, AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
+ * <angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
#include <linux/clk.h>
@@ -35,24 +39,93 @@
#define IMX219_MODE_STANDBY 0x00
#define IMX219_MODE_STREAMING 0x01
+#define IMX219_REG_SW_RESET 0x0103
+/* Output Set-up */
+#define IMX219_REG_CSI_LANE_MODE 0x0114
+#define IMX219_CSI_LANE_MODE_2LANE BIT(0)
+#define IMX219_CSI_LANE_MODE_4LANE (BIT(0) | BIT(1))
+#define IMX219_REG_DPHY_CTRL 0x0128
+#define IMX219_DPHY_CTRL_AUTO 0
+#define IMX219_DPHY_CTRL_MANUAL 1
+/* Use as 16-bits reg */
+#define IMX219_REG_EXCK_FREQ_MHZ 0x012A
+#define IMX219_EXCK_FREQ_MHZ_MIN 6
+#define IMX219_EXCK_FREQ_MHZ_MAX 27
+/* Frame Bank Control Registers*/
+#define IMX219_REG_FRAME_BANK_CTRL 0x0150
+#define IMX219_REG_FRAME_COUNT 0x0151
+#define IMX219_REG_FRAME_FAST_TRACKING 0x0152
+/* Frame Bank 0: Group "A" - 1: Group "B" */
+#define IMX219_REG_FRAME_BANK_BASE(x) ((0x100 * x) + 0x154)
+#define IMX219_REG_ANALOG_GAIN 0x03
+#define IMX219_REG_DIGITAL_GAIN 0x04
+#define IMX219_REG_EXPOSURE 0x06
+#define IMX219_REG_FRAME_LEN_LINES 0x0c
+#define IMX219_REG_LINE_LEN_PCK 0x0e
+#define IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_START 0x10
+#define IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_END 0x12
+#define IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_START 0x14
+#define IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_END 0x16
+#define IMX219_REG_X_OUTPUT_SIZE 0x18
+#define IMX219_REG_Y_OUTPUT_SIZE 0x1a
+#define IMX219_REG_X_ODD_INC 0x1c
+#define IMX219_REG_Y_ODD_INC 0x1d
+#define IMX219_REG_ORIENTATION 0x1e
+#define IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_H 0x20
+#define IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_V 0x21
+#define IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_H 0x22
+#define IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_V 0x23
+#define IMX219_REG_CSI_DATA_FORMAT_HI 0x38
+#define IMX219_REG_CSI_DATA_FORMAT_LO 0x39
+#define IMX219_CSI_DATA_FMT_8BIT 8
+#define IMX219_CSI_DATA_FMT_10BIT 10
+#define IMX219_REG_CLK_SETUP 0x300
+#define IMX219_REG_VT_PIX_CLK_DIV (IMX219_REG_CLK_SETUP + 0x01)
+#define IMX219_REG_VT_SYS_CLK_DIV (IMX219_REG_CLK_SETUP + 0x03)
+#define IMX219_REG_OP_PIX_CLK_DIV (IMX219_REG_CLK_SETUP + 0x09)
+#define IMX219_REG_OP_SYS_CLK_DIV (IMX219_REG_CLK_SETUP + 0x0b)
/* Chip ID */
#define IMX219_REG_CHIP_ID 0x0000
#define IMX219_CHIP_ID 0x0219
-/* External clock frequency is 24.0M */
-#define IMX219_XCLK_FREQ 24000000
+/* External clock frequency 8.0M or 24.0M */
+#define IMX219_XCLK_FREQ_8M 8000000
+#define IMX219_XCLK_FREQ_24M 24000000
+#define IMX219_2LANE_PIXEL_RATE 182400000
+#define IMX219_4LANE_PIXEL_RATE 280800000
-/* Pixel rate is fixed at 182.4M for all the modes */
-#define IMX219_PIXEL_RATE 182400000
+#define IMX219_2LANE_DEFAULT_LINK_FREQ 456000000
+#define IMX219_4LANE_DEFAULT_LINK_FREQ 702000000
-#define IMX219_DEFAULT_LINK_FREQ 456000000
+/* Temperature */
+#define IMX219_REG_TEMPERATURE 0x0140
+#define IMX219_TEMPERATURE_MASK 0x7f
/* V_TIMING internal */
#define IMX219_REG_VTS 0x0160
-#define IMX219_VTS_15FPS 0x0dc6
-#define IMX219_VTS_30FPS_1080P 0x06e3
-#define IMX219_VTS_30FPS_BINNED 0x06e3
-#define IMX219_VTS_30FPS_640x480 0x06e3
+#define IMX219_VTS_8MP_30FPS_4LANE 2691
+#define IMX219_VTS_8MP_15FPS_2LANE 3526
+#define IMX219_VTS_60FPS_1080P 1237
+#define IMX219_VTS_30FPS_BINNED 1346
+#define IMX219_VTS_120FPS_720P 850
+#define IMX219_VTS_200FPS_BINNED 481
+#define IMX219_VTS_1000FPS_BINNED 481
#define IMX219_VTS_MAX 0xffff
#define IMX219_VBLANK_MIN 4
@@ -67,30 +140,27 @@
#define IMX219_PPL_DEFAULT 3448
/* Exposure control */
-#define IMX219_REG_EXPOSURE 0x015a
#define IMX219_EXPOSURE_MIN 4
#define IMX219_EXPOSURE_STEP 1
#define IMX219_EXPOSURE_DEFAULT 0x640
#define IMX219_EXPOSURE_MAX 65535
/* Analog gain control */
-#define IMX219_REG_ANALOG_GAIN 0x0157
#define IMX219_ANA_GAIN_MIN 0
#define IMX219_ANA_GAIN_MAX 232
#define IMX219_ANA_GAIN_STEP 1
#define IMX219_ANA_GAIN_DEFAULT 0x0
/* Digital gain control */
-#define IMX219_REG_DIGITAL_GAIN 0x0158
#define IMX219_DGTL_GAIN_MIN 0x0100
#define IMX219_DGTL_GAIN_MAX 0x0fff
#define IMX219_DGTL_GAIN_DEFAULT 0x0100
#define IMX219_DGTL_GAIN_STEP 1
-#define IMX219_REG_ORIENTATION 0x0172
/* Test Pattern Control */
#define IMX219_REG_TEST_PATTERN 0x0600
+#define IMX219_REG_TEST_PATTERN_WIDTH 0x0624
+#define IMX219_REG_TEST_PATTERN_HEIGHT 0x0626
@@ -120,7 +190,9 @@
struct imx219_reg {
u16 address;
- u8 val;
+ u16 val;
+ u8 reg_len;
+ bool is_banked;
struct imx219_reg_list {
@@ -134,11 +206,13 @@ struct imx219_mode {
unsigned int width;
/* Frame height */
unsigned int height;
+ /* Maximum achievable FPS */
+ unsigned int max_fps;
/* Analog crop rectangle. */
struct v4l2_rect crop;
- /* V-timing */
+ /* V-timing default */
unsigned int vts_def;
/* Default register values */
@@ -146,248 +220,196 @@ struct imx219_mode {
- * Register sets lifted off the i2C interface from the Raspberry Pi firmware
- * driver.
- * 3280x2464 = mode 2, 1920x1080 = mode 1, 1640x1232 = mode 4, 640x480 = mode 7.
+ * The authentication sequence is needed to access registers beyond 0x3000,
+ * which the datasheet calls "Manufacturer Specific Registers", with a range
+ * going from 0x3000 to 0x5fff, but its documentation is full of holes:
+ * it is infact documenting registers from 0x3000 to 0x32ff as OTP Data
+ * and, as for the others, it documents 0x4053, 0x5e54 and 0x5e59.. and
+ * nothing else.
+ *
+ * On both Raspberry Pi and Xperia XA2 i2c dumps, there is an unknown
+ * write sequence that is totally the same between the two, but the sensor
+ * seems to work regardless of this being sent.
+ * Spirit here is to not send unknown things, especially if they don't seem
+ * to do anything... and that's what was done. Also, remember that the auth
+ * commands will allow to write to the OTP area, which may actually damage
+ * the sensor functionality (for example, factory calibrations may be damaged).
+ *
+ * The authentication sequence and the unknown one are kept here in case one
+ * day they get documented somehow, or any use for them is found.
-static const struct imx219_reg mode_3280x2464_regs[] = {
- {0x0100, 0x00},
- {0x30eb, 0x0c},
- {0x30eb, 0x05},
- {0x300a, 0xff},
- {0x300b, 0xff},
- {0x30eb, 0x05},
- {0x30eb, 0x09},
- {0x0114, 0x01},
- {0x0128, 0x00},
- {0x012a, 0x18},
- {0x012b, 0x00},
- {0x0164, 0x00},
- {0x0165, 0x00},
- {0x0166, 0x0c},
- {0x0167, 0xcf},
- {0x0168, 0x00},
- {0x0169, 0x00},
- {0x016a, 0x09},
- {0x016b, 0x9f},
- {0x016c, 0x0c},
- {0x016d, 0xd0},
- {0x016e, 0x09},
- {0x016f, 0xa0},
- {0x0170, 0x01},
- {0x0171, 0x01},
- {0x0174, 0x00},
- {0x0175, 0x00},
- {0x0301, 0x05},
- {0x0303, 0x01},
- {0x0304, 0x03},
- {0x0305, 0x03},
- {0x0306, 0x00},
- {0x0307, 0x39},
- {0x030b, 0x01},
- {0x030c, 0x00},
- {0x030d, 0x72},
- {0x0624, 0x0c},
- {0x0625, 0xd0},
- {0x0626, 0x09},
- {0x0627, 0xa0},
- {0x455e, 0x00},
- {0x471e, 0x4b},
- {0x4767, 0x0f},
- {0x4750, 0x14},
- {0x4540, 0x00},
- {0x47b4, 0x14},
- {0x4713, 0x30},
- {0x478b, 0x10},
- {0x478f, 0x10},
- {0x4793, 0x10},
- {0x4797, 0x0e},
- {0x479b, 0x0e},
- {0x0162, 0x0d},
- {0x0163, 0x78},
+static const struct imx219_reg __maybe_unused imx219_auth[] = {
+ { 0x30eb, 0x05, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x30eb, 0x0c, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x300a, 0xff, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x300b, 0xff, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x30eb, 0x05, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x30eb, 0x09, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+static const struct imx219_reg __maybe_unused imx219_unknown_seq[] = {
+ { 0x455E, 0x00, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x471E, 0x4B, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x4767, 0x0F, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x4750, 0x14, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x4540, 0x00, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x47B4, 0x14, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x4713, 0x30, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x478B, 0x10, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x478F, 0x10, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x4793, 0x10, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x4797, 0x0e, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { 0x479b, 0x0e, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+static const struct imx219_reg mode_24mhz_regs[] = {
+ { IMX219_REG_EXCK_FREQ_MHZ, (24 << 8), IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_DPHY_CTRL, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_VT_PIX_CLK_DIV, 5, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_VT_SYS_CLK_DIV, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_PREPLLCK_VT_DIV, 3, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_PREPLLCK_OP_DIV, 3, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_OP_PIX_CLK_DIV, 10, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_OP_SYS_CLK_DIV, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_PLL_OP_MULTIPLIER, 84, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, false },
+static const struct imx219_reg mode_24mhz_2lane[] = {
+ IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_PLL_VT_MULTIPLIER, 57, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, false },
+static const struct imx219_reg mode_24mhz_4lane[] = {
+ IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_PLL_VT_MULTIPLIER, 82, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, false },
+static const struct imx219_reg mode_8mhz_regs[] = {
+ { IMX219_REG_EXCK_FREQ_MHZ, (8 << 8), IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_DPHY_CTRL, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_VT_PIX_CLK_DIV, 5, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_VT_SYS_CLK_DIV, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_PREPLLCK_VT_DIV, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_PREPLLCK_OP_DIV, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_OP_PIX_CLK_DIV, 10, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_OP_SYS_CLK_DIV, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_PLL_OP_MULTIPLIER, 90, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, false },
+static const struct imx219_reg mode_8mhz_2lane[] = {
+ IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_PLL_VT_MULTIPLIER, 63, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, false },
-static const struct imx219_reg mode_1920_1080_regs[] = {
- {0x0100, 0x00},
- {0x30eb, 0x05},
- {0x30eb, 0x0c},
- {0x300a, 0xff},
- {0x300b, 0xff},
- {0x30eb, 0x05},
- {0x30eb, 0x09},
- {0x0114, 0x01},
- {0x0128, 0x00},
- {0x012a, 0x18},
- {0x012b, 0x00},
- {0x0162, 0x0d},
- {0x0163, 0x78},
- {0x0164, 0x02},
- {0x0165, 0xa8},
- {0x0166, 0x0a},
- {0x0167, 0x27},
- {0x0168, 0x02},
- {0x0169, 0xb4},
- {0x016a, 0x06},
- {0x016b, 0xeb},
- {0x016c, 0x07},
- {0x016d, 0x80},
- {0x016e, 0x04},
- {0x016f, 0x38},
- {0x0170, 0x01},
- {0x0171, 0x01},
- {0x0174, 0x00},
- {0x0175, 0x00},
- {0x0301, 0x05},
- {0x0303, 0x01},
- {0x0304, 0x03},
- {0x0305, 0x03},
- {0x0306, 0x00},
- {0x0307, 0x39},
- {0x030b, 0x01},
- {0x030c, 0x00},
- {0x030d, 0x72},
- {0x0624, 0x07},
- {0x0625, 0x80},
- {0x0626, 0x04},
- {0x0627, 0x38},
- {0x455e, 0x00},
- {0x471e, 0x4b},
- {0x4767, 0x0f},
- {0x4750, 0x14},
- {0x4540, 0x00},
- {0x47b4, 0x14},
- {0x4713, 0x30},
- {0x478b, 0x10},
- {0x478f, 0x10},
- {0x4793, 0x10},
- {0x4797, 0x0e},
- {0x479b, 0x0e},
+static const struct imx219_reg mode_8mhz_4lane[] = {
+ IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
+ { IMX219_REG_PLL_VT_MULTIPLIER, 88, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, false },
-static const struct imx219_reg mode_1640_1232_regs[] = {
- {0x0100, 0x00},
- {0x30eb, 0x0c},
- {0x30eb, 0x05},
- {0x300a, 0xff},
- {0x300b, 0xff},
- {0x30eb, 0x05},
- {0x30eb, 0x09},
- {0x0114, 0x01},
- {0x0128, 0x00},
- {0x012a, 0x18},
- {0x012b, 0x00},
- {0x0164, 0x00},
- {0x0165, 0x00},
- {0x0166, 0x0c},
- {0x0167, 0xcf},
- {0x0168, 0x00},
- {0x0169, 0x00},
- {0x016a, 0x09},
- {0x016b, 0x9f},
- {0x016c, 0x06},
- {0x016d, 0x68},
- {0x016e, 0x04},
- {0x016f, 0xd0},
- {0x0170, 0x01},
- {0x0171, 0x01},
- {0x0174, 0x01},
- {0x0175, 0x01},
- {0x0301, 0x05},
- {0x0303, 0x01},
- {0x0304, 0x03},
- {0x0305, 0x03},
- {0x0306, 0x00},
- {0x0307, 0x39},
- {0x030b, 0x01},
- {0x030c, 0x00},
- {0x030d, 0x72},
- {0x0624, 0x06},
- {0x0625, 0x68},
- {0x0626, 0x04},
- {0x0627, 0xd0},
- {0x455e, 0x00},
- {0x471e, 0x4b},
- {0x4767, 0x0f},
- {0x4750, 0x14},
- {0x4540, 0x00},
- {0x47b4, 0x14},
- {0x4713, 0x30},
- {0x478b, 0x10},
- {0x478f, 0x10},
- {0x4793, 0x10},
- {0x4797, 0x0e},
- {0x479b, 0x0e},
- {0x0162, 0x0d},
- {0x0163, 0x78},
+/* Note: Never forget to select BANK OFFSET when using these modes */
+static const struct imx219_reg mode_3280x2464[] = {
+ /* MAX: 4-Lane @ 30FPS - 2-Lane @ 15FPS */
+ { IMX219_REG_FRAME_LEN_LINES, 2691, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_LINE_LEN_PCK, 3448, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_START, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_END, 3279, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_START, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_END, 2463, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_OUTPUT_SIZE, 3280, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_OUTPUT_SIZE, 2464, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ODD_INC, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ODD_INC, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_H, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_V, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_H, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_V, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
-static const struct imx219_reg mode_640_480_regs[] = {
- {0x0100, 0x00},
- {0x30eb, 0x05},
- {0x30eb, 0x0c},
- {0x300a, 0xff},
- {0x300b, 0xff},
- {0x30eb, 0x05},
- {0x30eb, 0x09},
- {0x0114, 0x01},
- {0x0128, 0x00},
- {0x012a, 0x18},
- {0x012b, 0x00},
- {0x0162, 0x0d},
- {0x0163, 0x78},
- {0x0164, 0x03},
- {0x0165, 0xe8},
- {0x0166, 0x08},
- {0x0167, 0xe7},
- {0x0168, 0x02},
- {0x0169, 0xf0},
- {0x016a, 0x06},
- {0x016b, 0xaf},
- {0x016c, 0x02},
- {0x016d, 0x80},
- {0x016e, 0x01},
- {0x016f, 0xe0},
- {0x0170, 0x01},
- {0x0171, 0x01},
- {0x0174, 0x03},
- {0x0175, 0x03},
- {0x0301, 0x05},
- {0x0303, 0x01},
- {0x0304, 0x03},
- {0x0305, 0x03},
- {0x0306, 0x00},
- {0x0307, 0x39},
- {0x030b, 0x01},
- {0x030c, 0x00},
- {0x030d, 0x72},
- {0x0624, 0x06},
- {0x0625, 0x68},
- {0x0626, 0x04},
- {0x0627, 0xd0},
- {0x455e, 0x00},
- {0x471e, 0x4b},
- {0x4767, 0x0f},
- {0x4750, 0x14},
- {0x4540, 0x00},
- {0x47b4, 0x14},
- {0x4713, 0x30},
- {0x478b, 0x10},
- {0x478f, 0x10},
- {0x4793, 0x10},
- {0x4797, 0x0e},
- {0x479b, 0x0e},
+static const struct imx219_reg mode_1920x1080_cropped_60fps[] = {
+ { IMX219_REG_FRAME_LEN_LINES, 1237, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_LINE_LEN_PCK, 3448, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_START, 680, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_END, 2599, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_START, 692, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_END, 1771, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_OUTPUT_SIZE, 1920, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_OUTPUT_SIZE, 1080, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ODD_INC, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ODD_INC, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_H, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_V, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_H, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_V, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+static const struct imx219_reg mode_1280x720_cropped_120fps[] = {
+ /* Recommended coarse integration time value: 846 */
+ { IMX219_REG_FRAME_LEN_LINES, 850, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_LINE_LEN_PCK, 3448, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_START, 1000, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_END, 2280, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_START, 872, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_END, 1592, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_OUTPUT_SIZE, 1280, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_OUTPUT_SIZE, 720, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ODD_INC, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ODD_INC, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_H, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_V, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_H, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_V, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+static const struct imx219_reg mode_640x480_x2_analog_200fps[] = {
+ /* Recommended coarse integration time value: 477 */
+ { IMX219_REG_FRAME_LEN_LINES, 481, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_LINE_LEN_PCK, 3448, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_START, 1000, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_END, 2280, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_START, 752, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_END, 1712, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_OUTPUT_SIZE, 640, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_OUTPUT_SIZE, 480, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ODD_INC, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ODD_INC, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_H, 3, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_V, 3, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_H, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_V, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+static const struct imx219_reg mode_640x80_x2_analog_1000fps[] = {
+ /* Recommended coarse integration time value: 92 */
+ { IMX219_REG_FRAME_LEN_LINES, 481, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_LINE_LEN_PCK, 3448, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_START, 1320, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ADDR_END, 2600, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_START, 990, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ADDR_END, 1561, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_OUTPUT_SIZE, 640, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_OUTPUT_SIZE, 80, IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_X_ODD_INC, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_Y_ODD_INC, 1, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_H, 3, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_MODE_V, 3, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_H, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_BINNING_CAL_V, 0, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
static const struct imx219_reg raw8_framefmt_regs[] = {
- {0x018c, 0x08},
- {0x018d, 0x08},
- {0x0309, 0x08},
+ { IMX219_REG_OP_PIX_CLK_DIV, 8, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
static const struct imx219_reg raw10_framefmt_regs[] = {
- {0x018c, 0x0a},
- {0x018d, 0x0a},
- {0x0309, 0x0a},
+ { IMX219_REG_CSI_DATA_FORMAT_HI, 10, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_CSI_DATA_FORMAT_LO, 10, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, true },
+ { IMX219_REG_OP_PIX_CLK_DIV, 10, IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, false },
static const char * const imx219_test_pattern_menu[] = {
@@ -461,73 +483,98 @@ static const u32 codes[] = {
* case of DT for regulator-fixed one should define the startup-delay-us
* property.
-#define IMX219_XCLR_MIN_DELAY_US 6200
+#define IMX219_XCLR_MIN_DELAY_US 7200
#define IMX219_XCLR_DELAY_RANGE_US 1000
/* Mode configs */
static const struct imx219_mode supported_modes[] = {
- /* 8MPix 15fps mode */
+ /* 8MPix 30/15fps mode (4/2-Lane) */
.width = 3280,
.height = 2464,
+ .max_fps = 30,
.crop = {
.width = 3280,
.height = 2464
- .vts_def = IMX219_VTS_15FPS,
+ .vts_def = IMX219_VTS_8MP_30FPS_4LANE,
.reg_list = {
- .num_of_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(mode_3280x2464_regs),
- .regs = mode_3280x2464_regs,
+ .num_of_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(mode_3280x2464),
+ .regs = mode_3280x2464,
- /* 1080P 30fps cropped */
+ /* 1080P 60fps cropped */
.width = 1920,
.height = 1080,
+ .max_fps = 60,
.crop = {
.left = 688,
.top = 700,
.width = 1920,
.height = 1080
- .vts_def = IMX219_VTS_30FPS_1080P,
+ .vts_def = IMX219_VTS_60FPS_1080P,
.reg_list = {
- .num_of_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(mode_1920_1080_regs),
- .regs = mode_1920_1080_regs,
+ .num_of_regs =
+ ARRAY_SIZE(mode_1920x1080_cropped_60fps),
+ .regs = mode_1920x1080_cropped_60fps,
- /* 2x2 binned 30fps mode */
- .width = 1640,
- .height = 1232,
+ /* 720P 120fps cropped */
+ .width = 1280,
+ .height = 720,
+ .max_fps = 120,
.crop = {
- .left = IMX219_PIXEL_ARRAY_LEFT,
- .top = IMX219_PIXEL_ARRAY_TOP,
- .width = 3280,
- .height = 2464
+ .left = 1008,
+ .top = 864,
+ .width = 1280,
+ .height = 720
- .vts_def = IMX219_VTS_30FPS_BINNED,
+ .vts_def = IMX219_VTS_120FPS_720P,
.reg_list = {
- .num_of_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(mode_1640_1232_regs),
- .regs = mode_1640_1232_regs,
+ .num_of_regs =
+ ARRAY_SIZE(mode_1280x720_cropped_120fps),
+ .regs = mode_1280x720_cropped_120fps,
- /* 640x480 30fps mode */
+ /* special analog binning, 640x480 200fps mode */
.width = 640,
.height = 480,
+ .max_fps = 200,
.crop = {
.left = 1008,
- .top = 760,
- .width = 1280,
- .height = 960
+ .top = 744,
+ .width = 640,
+ .height = 480
- .vts_def = IMX219_VTS_30FPS_640x480,
+ .vts_def = IMX219_VTS_200FPS_BINNED,
.reg_list = {
- .num_of_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(mode_640_480_regs),
- .regs = mode_640_480_regs,
+ .num_of_regs =
+ ARRAY_SIZE(mode_640x480_x2_analog_200fps),
+ .regs = mode_640x480_x2_analog_200fps,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ /* special analog binning, 640x80 1000 mode */
+ .width = 640,
+ .height = 80,
+ .max_fps = 1000,
+ .crop = {
+ .left = 1328,
+ .top = 982,
+ .width = 640,
+ .height = 80
+ },
+ .vts_def = IMX219_VTS_1000FPS_BINNED,
+ .reg_list = {
+ .num_of_regs =
+ ARRAY_SIZE(mode_640x80_x2_analog_1000fps),
+ .regs = mode_640x80_x2_analog_1000fps,
@@ -553,8 +600,12 @@ struct imx219 {
struct v4l2_ctrl *vblank;
struct v4l2_ctrl *hblank;
+ /* Frame rate */
+ struct v4l2_fract frame_rate;
/* Current mode */
const struct imx219_mode *mode;
+ bool is_4lane;
* Mutex for serialized access:
@@ -562,6 +613,9 @@ struct imx219 {
struct mutex mutex;
+ /* Bank A or B */
+ u32 frame_setup_bank_off;
/* Streaming on/off */
bool streaming;
@@ -604,7 +658,7 @@ static int imx219_read_reg(struct imx219 *imx219, u16 reg, u32 len, u32 *val)
return 0;
-/* Write registers up to 2 at a time */
+/* Write registers up to 4 at a time */
static int imx219_write_reg(struct imx219 *imx219, u16 reg, u32 len, u32 val)
struct i2c_client *client = v4l2_get_subdevdata(&imx219->sd);
@@ -621,6 +675,14 @@ static int imx219_write_reg(struct imx219 *imx219, u16 reg, u32 len, u32 val)
return 0;
+static inline int imx219_write_banked_reg(struct imx219 *imx219,
+ u16 reg, u32 len, u32 val)
+ u16 reg_addr = reg + imx219->frame_setup_bank_off;
+ return imx219_write_reg(imx219, reg_addr, len, val);
/* Write a list of registers */
static int imx219_write_regs(struct imx219 *imx219,
const struct imx219_reg *regs, u32 len)
@@ -630,11 +692,20 @@ static int imx219_write_regs(struct imx219 *imx219,
int ret;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- ret = imx219_write_reg(imx219, regs[i].address, 1, regs[i].val);
+ u16 reg_addr = regs[i].address;
+ if (regs[i].is_banked)
+ ret = imx219_write_banked_reg(imx219, regs[i].address,
+ regs[i].reg_len,
+ regs[i].val);
+ else
+ ret = imx219_write_reg(imx219, regs[i].address,
+ regs[i].reg_len,
+ regs[i].val);
if (ret) {
- "Failed to write reg 0x%4.4x. error = %d\n",
- regs[i].address, ret);
+ "Cannot write reg 0x%4.4x. (%d)\n",
+ reg_addr, ret);
return ret;
@@ -737,16 +808,19 @@ static int imx219_set_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl)
switch (ctrl->id) {
- ret = imx219_write_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_ANALOG_GAIN,
- IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, ctrl->val);
+ ret = imx219_write_banked_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_ANALOG_GAIN,
+ ctrl->val);
- ret = imx219_write_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_EXPOSURE,
- IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, ctrl->val);
+ ret = imx219_write_banked_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_EXPOSURE,
+ ctrl->val);
- ret = imx219_write_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_DIGITAL_GAIN,
- IMX219_REG_VALUE_16BIT, ctrl->val);
+ ret = imx219_write_banked_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_DIGITAL_GAIN,
+ ctrl->val);
ret = imx219_write_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_TEST_PATTERN,
@@ -755,14 +829,15 @@ static int imx219_set_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl)
case V4L2_CID_HFLIP:
case V4L2_CID_VFLIP:
- ret = imx219_write_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_ORIENTATION, 1,
- imx219->hflip->val |
- imx219->vflip->val << 1);
+ ret = imx219_write_banked_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_ORIENTATION,
+ imx219->hflip->val |
+ imx219->vflip->val << 1);
- ret = imx219_write_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_VTS,
- imx219->mode->height + ctrl->val);
+ ret = imx219_write_banked_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_VTS,
+ imx219->mode->height + ctrl->val);
ret = imx219_write_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_TESTP_RED,
@@ -837,6 +912,91 @@ static int imx219_enum_frame_size(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
return 0;
+static int imx219_enum_frame_interval(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
+ struct v4l2_subdev_pad_config *cfg,
+ struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval_enum *fie)
+ unsigned int i;
+ if (fie->pad || fie->index >= ARRAY_SIZE(supported_modes))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(supported_modes); i++)
+ if (fie->width == supported_modes[i].width &&
+ fie->height == supported_modes[i].height)
+ break;
+ if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(supported_modes))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ fie->interval.numerator = 1;
+ fie->interval.denominator = supported_modes[i].max_fps;
+ return 0;
+static int imx219_g_frame_interval(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
+ struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval *ival)
+ struct imx219 *imx219 = to_imx219(sd);
+ ival->interval.numerator = imx219->frame_rate.denominator;
+ ival->interval.denominator = imx219->frame_rate.numerator;
+ return 0;
+static int imx219_s_frame_interval(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
+ struct v4l2_subdev_frame_interval *ival)
+ struct imx219 *imx219 = to_imx219(sd);
+ const struct imx219_mode *cur_mode = imx219->mode;
+ struct v4l2_fract *tpf = &ival->interval;
+ int exposure_max, exposure_def;
+ u32 new_vts;
+ u32 vblank = 0;
+ if (tpf->numerator == 0 || tpf->denominator == 0 ||
+ (tpf->denominator > tpf->numerator * cur_mode->max_fps)) {
+ /* reset to max frame rate */
+ tpf->numerator = 1;
+ tpf->denominator = cur_mode->max_fps;
+ new_vts = cur_mode->vts_def;
+ } else {
+ /* Approximation of new VTS: recalculate default vblank */
+ vblank = cur_mode->vts_def - cur_mode->height;
+ /* Avoid floating point */
+ new_vts = vblank * 1000;
+ new_vts = new_vts / cur_mode->max_fps;
+ new_vts = (new_vts * tpf->denominator) / 1000;
+ new_vts += vblank + cur_mode->height;
+ }
+ imx219->frame_rate.numerator = tpf->numerator;
+ imx219->frame_rate.denominator = tpf->denominator;
+ /*
+ * Note: VTS cannot be less than cur_mode->height, but that's useless
+ * to check at this point, since we are surely complying here.
+ *
+ * Now that we've got a new VTS, let's update the exposure control
+ * min/max in order to avoid impossible and/or useless combinations.
+ */
+ exposure_max = new_vts - 4;
+ exposure_def = (exposure_max < IMX219_EXPOSURE_DEFAULT) ?
+ exposure_max : IMX219_EXPOSURE_DEFAULT;
+ __v4l2_ctrl_modify_range(imx219->exposure,
+ imx219->exposure->minimum,
+ exposure_max, imx219->exposure->step,
+ exposure_def);
+ /* Should we copy Bank A to Bank B with new VTS and then switch? */
+ return imx219_write_banked_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_VTS,
+ new_vts);
static void imx219_reset_colorspace(struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt *fmt)
fmt->colorspace = V4L2_COLORSPACE_SRGB;
@@ -1024,12 +1184,102 @@ static int imx219_get_selection(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
return -EINVAL;
+static int imx219_configure_stream(struct imx219 *imx219)
+ struct i2c_client *client = v4l2_get_subdevdata(&imx219->sd);
+ struct imx219_reg_list reg_list;
+ int ret;
+ /* Send auth command here if needed */
+ if (imx219->xclk_freq == IMX219_XCLK_FREQ_8M) {
+ reg_list.regs = mode_8mhz_regs;
+ reg_list.num_of_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(mode_8mhz_regs);
+ ret = imx219_write_regs(imx219, reg_list.regs,
+ reg_list.num_of_regs);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(&client->dev,
+ "8m: Cannot write clocks setup\n");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (imx219->is_4lane) {
+ reg_list.regs = mode_8mhz_4lane;
+ reg_list.num_of_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(mode_8mhz_4lane);
+ } else {
+ reg_list.regs = mode_8mhz_2lane;
+ reg_list.num_of_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(mode_8mhz_2lane);
+ }
+ ret = imx219_write_regs(imx219, reg_list.regs,
+ reg_list.num_of_regs);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(&client->dev,
+ "8m: Cannot write lanes setup\n");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } else {
+ reg_list.regs = mode_24mhz_regs;
+ reg_list.num_of_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(mode_24mhz_regs);
+ ret = imx219_write_regs(imx219, reg_list.regs,
+ reg_list.num_of_regs);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(&client->dev,
+ "24m: Cannot write clocks setup\n");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (imx219->is_4lane) {
+ reg_list.regs = mode_24mhz_4lane;
+ reg_list.num_of_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(mode_24mhz_4lane);
+ } else {
+ reg_list.regs = mode_24mhz_2lane;
+ reg_list.num_of_regs = ARRAY_SIZE(mode_24mhz_2lane);
+ }
+ ret = imx219_write_regs(imx219, reg_list.regs,
+ reg_list.num_of_regs);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_err(&client->dev,
+ "24m: Cannot write lanes setup\n");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Send magic sequence (imx219_unknown_seq) here if needed */
+ return 0;
static int imx219_start_streaming(struct imx219 *imx219)
struct i2c_client *client = v4l2_get_subdevdata(&imx219->sd);
const struct imx219_reg_list *reg_list;
+ u8 frame_bank;
int ret;
+ /*
+ * For a fast mode switch without tearing down and back up the
+ * entire sensor configuration, do the setup on the other frame
+ * setup bank and do a seamless switch to it.
+ * If the sensor was reset, always use Bank Control Group A for
+ * logical consistency.
+ * As for the hardware itself, there is no such requirement.
+ */
+ if (imx219->frame_setup_bank_off == IMX219_REG_FRAME_BANK_BASE(1) ||
+ !imx219->streaming)
+ frame_bank = 0;
+ else
+ frame_bank = 1;
+ imx219->frame_setup_bank_off = IMX219_REG_FRAME_BANK_BASE(frame_bank);
+ ret = imx219_configure_stream(imx219);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
/* Apply default values of current mode */
reg_list = &imx219->mode->reg_list;
ret = imx219_write_regs(imx219, reg_list->regs, reg_list->num_of_regs);
@@ -1038,6 +1288,12 @@ static int imx219_start_streaming(struct imx219 *imx219)
return ret;
+ /* Set frame bank number */
+ ret = imx219_write_reg(imx219, IMX219_REG_FRAME_BANK_CTRL,
+ IMX219_REG_VALUE_08BIT, frame_bank);
+ if (ret)
+ dev_err(&client->dev, "%s failed to set stream\n", __func__);
ret = imx219_set_framefmt(imx219);
if (ret) {
dev_err(&client->dev, "%s failed to set frame format: %d\n",
@@ -1238,6 +1494,8 @@ static const struct v4l2_subdev_core_ops imx219_core_ops = {
static const struct v4l2_subdev_video_ops imx219_video_ops = {
.s_stream = imx219_set_stream,
+ .g_frame_interval = imx219_g_frame_interval,
+ .s_frame_interval = imx219_s_frame_interval,
static const struct v4l2_subdev_pad_ops imx219_pad_ops = {
@@ -1246,6 +1504,7 @@ static const struct v4l2_subdev_pad_ops imx219_pad_ops = {
.set_fmt = imx219_set_pad_format,
.get_selection = imx219_get_selection,
.enum_frame_size = imx219_enum_frame_size,
+ .enum_frame_interval = imx219_enum_frame_interval,
static const struct v4l2_subdev_ops imx219_subdev_ops = {
@@ -1267,6 +1526,7 @@ static int imx219_init_controls(struct imx219 *imx219)
struct v4l2_fwnode_device_properties props;
int exposure_max, exposure_def, hblank;
int i, ret;
+ u32 prate;
ctrl_hdlr = &imx219->ctrl_handler;
ret = v4l2_ctrl_handler_init(ctrl_hdlr, 11);
@@ -1276,12 +1536,15 @@ static int imx219_init_controls(struct imx219 *imx219)
ctrl_hdlr->lock = &imx219->mutex;
+ if (imx219->is_4lane)
+ prate = IMX219_4LANE_PIXEL_RATE;
+ else
+ prate = IMX219_2LANE_PIXEL_RATE;
/* By default, PIXEL_RATE is read only */
imx219->pixel_rate = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(ctrl_hdlr, &imx219_ctrl_ops,
+ prate, prate, 1, prate);
/* Initial vblank/hblank/exposure parameters based on current mode */
imx219->vblank = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(ctrl_hdlr, &imx219_ctrl_ops,
@@ -1374,7 +1637,7 @@ static void imx219_free_controls(struct imx219 *imx219)
-static int imx219_check_hwcfg(struct device *dev)
+static int imx219_check_hwcfg(struct device *dev, struct imx219 *imx219)
struct fwnode_handle *endpoint;
struct v4l2_fwnode_endpoint ep_cfg = {
@@ -1393,24 +1656,30 @@ static int imx219_check_hwcfg(struct device *dev)
goto error_out;
- /* Check the number of MIPI CSI2 data lanes */
- if (ep_cfg.bus.mipi_csi2.num_data_lanes != 2) {
- dev_err(dev, "only 2 data lanes are currently supported\n");
+ /* Check the link frequency set in device tree */
+ if (ep_cfg.nr_of_link_frequencies != 1) {
+ dev_err(dev, "bad link-frequency property in DT\n");
goto error_out;
- /* Check the link frequency set in device tree */
- if (!ep_cfg.nr_of_link_frequencies) {
- dev_err(dev, "link-frequency property not found in DT\n");
+ /* Check the number of MIPI CSI2 data lanes */
+ if (ep_cfg.bus.mipi_csi2.num_data_lanes != 2 &&
+ ep_cfg.bus.mipi_csi2.num_data_lanes != 4) {
+ dev_err(dev, "Only 2-Lane and 4-Lane modes are supported\n");
goto error_out;
- if (ep_cfg.nr_of_link_frequencies != 1 ||
- ep_cfg.link_frequencies[0] != IMX219_DEFAULT_LINK_FREQ) {
- dev_err(dev, "Link frequency not supported: %lld\n",
- ep_cfg.link_frequencies[0]);
+ imx219->is_4lane = ep_cfg.bus.mipi_csi2.num_data_lanes == 4;
+ if ((imx219->is_4lane &&
+ ep_cfg.link_frequencies[0] != IMX219_4LANE_DEFAULT_LINK_FREQ) ||
+ (!imx219->is_4lane &&
+ ep_cfg.link_frequencies[0] != IMX219_2LANE_DEFAULT_LINK_FREQ)) {
+ dev_err(dev,
+ "Unsupported link frequency for %u-Lane operation\n",
+ imx219->is_4lane ? 4 : 2);
goto error_out;
- }
+ };
ret = 0;
@@ -1434,7 +1703,7 @@ static int imx219_probe(struct i2c_client *client)
v4l2_i2c_subdev_init(&imx219->sd, client, &imx219_subdev_ops);
/* Check the hardware configuration in device tree */
- if (imx219_check_hwcfg(dev))
+ if (imx219_check_hwcfg(dev, imx219))
return -EINVAL;
/* Get system clock (xclk) */
@@ -1445,7 +1714,8 @@ static int imx219_probe(struct i2c_client *client)
imx219->xclk_freq = clk_get_rate(imx219->xclk);
- if (imx219->xclk_freq != IMX219_XCLK_FREQ) {
+ if (imx219->xclk_freq != IMX219_XCLK_FREQ_8M &&
+ imx219->xclk_freq != IMX219_XCLK_FREQ_24M) {
dev_err(dev, "xclk frequency not supported: %d Hz\n",
return -EINVAL;
@@ -1473,6 +1743,9 @@ static int imx219_probe(struct i2c_client *client)
if (ret)
goto error_power_off;
+ /* Use the Frame Bank Group A for the first startup */
+ imx219->frame_setup_bank_off = IMX219_REG_FRAME_BANK_BASE(0);
/* Set default mode to max resolution */
imx219->mode = &supported_modes[0];
@@ -1526,6 +1799,9 @@ static int imx219_probe(struct i2c_client *client)
+ dev_dbg(dev, "Initialized with XCLK at %uHz, %d-Lane\n",
+ imx219->xclk_freq, imx219->is_4lane ? 4 : 2);
return 0;