Re: Linksys WRT54G and the GPL - What about GRSECURITY?
From: nipponmail
Date: Mon Jan 18 2021 - 11:06:16 EST
First off, its no longer even accurate
Wrong. Grsecurity is violating the Linux Copyright by preventing
redistribution, by adding additional terms between it and distributees.
It does not matter if Linus, the weak faggot, is "never going to
include" it.
Grsecurity is violating the GCC copyright for the same reason.
The whole GPL mess is broken, clearly, and nobody is looking to
enforce it - industry is waiting it out till Redox and BSDs become
It doesn't FUCKING matter what the "INDUSTRY" is doing or wants.
You techies are FUCKING FAGGOTS. YOU own the COPYRIGHT to whatever you
"contributed" to Linux (you never signed over your copyrights). It does
N O T matter what your fucking "bosses" in "DUH INDUSTRY" want you to
do or do not want you to do. YOU can and HAVE TO SUE.
I hate you fucking people for your inaction. You're like a hive mind of
weak castrated scum.
Apologies to actual homosexuals... using this word "faggot" is an
affront to you:
since it compares you to weak white quisling males
but english doesn't give many options
I just hate you people.
You just let it happen.
Then you cope "well, we weren't going to include it anyway".
Additionally:Linus, for years, induced others to assist him in his work
on his kernel, by claiming that those who violated the share-and-share
alike provisions of the license would be sued.
He explained AT LENGHT the "deal": you contribute code, if anyone
modifies it they cannot close the code, if they violate that they will
be sued. This is what he told his supporters and those who helped him.
A reasonable person would surmise that Linus was making a promise to sue
violators of the Linux Kernel License.
INSTEAD: He is paid 1.3 million dollars per year, and does not say a
word. (What is he being paid for? We can guess: To forgo the legal right
to sue? To NOT encourage suits? To DISCOURAGE suits?)
That is: The linux kernel contributors detrimentally relied on Linus'
words: his false promise of action.
Yes: he should be punished. They would not have done the programming
work without those false statements of Linus'
On 2021-01-17 21:58, Boris Lukashev wrote:
Why do you send this stuff to people?
First off, its no longer even accurate - grsec code _changes_ to Linux
have been deemed as "never to be adopted" by Linus. Without those
changes, their GCC plugins can't work properly, and those plugins are
part of the build-toolchain, not the C source. So even if you gave
them a billion dollars tomorrow, Linux would still never use the work.
The whole GPL mess is broken, clearly, and nobody is looking to
enforce it - industry is waiting it out till Redox and BSDs become
more viable for production OS.
So why send these emails? Venting purposes?
On Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 1:03 PM <nipponmail@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Linus etc do not give a FUCK that Grsecurity is BLATANTLY violating
GPL. So why do you fucking retards complain about this?
Boris Lukashev
Systems Architect
Semper Victus [1]