Re: [PATCH V5 5/5] of: unittest: Statically apply overlays using fdtoverlay
From: Viresh Kumar
Date: Thu Jan 21 2021 - 00:45:40 EST
Hi Frank,
On 20-01-21, 23:34, Frank Rowand wrote:
> It should be possible to apply this same concept to copying overlay_base.dts
> to overlay_base_base.dts, removing the "/plugin/;" from overlay_base_base.dts
> and using an additional rule to use fdtoverlay to apply overlay.dtb on top
> of overlay_base_base.dtb.
Are you suggesting to then merge this with testcases.dtb to get
static_test.dtb or keep two output files (static_test.dtb from
testcases.dtb + overlays and static_test2.dtb from overlay_base.dtb
and overlay.dtb) ?
Asking because as I mentioned earlier, overlay_base.dtb doesn't have
__overlay__ property for its nodes and we can't apply that to
testcases.dtb using fdtoverlay.
> Yes, overlay_base_base is a terrible name. Just used to illustrate the point.
> I tried this by hand and am failing miserably. But I am not using the proper
> environment (just a quick hack to see if the method might work). So I would
> have to set things up properly to really test this.
> If this does work, it would remove my objections to you trying to transform
> the existing unittest .dts test data files (because you would not have to
> actually modify the existing .dts files).