[ANNOUNCE] 5.4.91-rt50
From: Steven Rostedt
Date: Fri Jan 22 2021 - 10:33:58 EST
Dear RT Folks,
I'm pleased to announce the 5.4.91-rt50 stable release.
This release is just an update to the new stable 5.4.91 version.
With one RT specific update that had to be made.
I had to cherry pick the following commit:
locking/rwsem-rt: Add __down_read_interruptible()
from v5.10-rt, as that was required for a recent change in 5.4.88.
d390fc97df62d ("rwsem: Implement down_read_interruptible")
You can get this release via the git tree at:
branch: v5.4-rt
Head SHA1: 11ad0451731e7ab8c57281843015717e0e8040ef
Or to build 5.4.91-rt50 directly, the following patches should be applied:
-- Steve