Re: [PATCH v6 8/8] bus: mhi: core: Do not clear channel context more than once

From: Hemant Kumar
Date: Fri Feb 05 2021 - 22:47:44 EST

On 2/4/21 12:28 PM, Bhaumik Bhatt wrote:
Clearing a channel context can happen twice if the client driver
unprepares and reset the channels from the remove() callback from
a controller requested MHI power down sequence. If there are
multiple attempts at calling the mhi_free_coherent() API, we see
kernel warnings such as "trying to free invalid coherent area".
Example for one such client is the QRTR MHI driver. Avoid these
warnings by skipping mhi_deinit_chan_ctxt() API call and prevent
extra work from MHI as the channels are already disabled.

Signed-off-by: Bhaumik Bhatt <bbhatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Hemant Kumar <hemantk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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