Re: [PATCH RESEND v2 4/5] iommu/tegra-smmu: Rework tegra_smmu_probe_device()
From: Nicolin Chen
Date: Wed Feb 10 2021 - 03:21:06 EST
Hi Guillaume,
On Sat, Feb 06, 2021 at 01:40:13PM +0000, Guillaume Tucker wrote:
> > It'd be nicer if I can get both logs of the vanilla kernel (failing)
> > and the commit-reverted version (passing), each applying this patch.
> Sure, I've run 3 jobs:
> * v5.11-rc6 as a reference, to see the original issue:
> * + your debug patch:
> * + the "breaking" commit reverted, passing the tests:
Thanks for the help!
I am able to figure out what's probably wrong, yet not so sure
about the best solution at this point.
Would it be possible for you to run one more time with another
debugging patch? I'd like to see the same logs as previous:
1. Vanilla kernel + debug patch
2. Vanilla kernel + Reverted + debug patch
Thank you