Re: [PATCH 3/3] [v3] lib/vsprintf: debug_never_hash_pointers prints all addresses as unhashed

From: Timur Tabi
Date: Fri Feb 12 2021 - 15:29:53 EST

On 2/12/21 4:01 AM, Petr Mladek wrote:
no_hash_pointers ?
I am fine with this.

I am still a bit scared of a bikeshedng. But AFAIK, Mathew was most
active on proposing clear names. So, when he is fine with this...

Anyway, we should use the same name also for the variable.

Ok, unless there are any objections, I will change the parameter and variable to "no_hash_pointers" in v4, which I will send out later today.

I hope this patch set gets accepted for 5.12.