Re: [PATCH RESEND 0/3] x86/sgx: eextend ioctl
From: Dave Hansen
Date: Fri Apr 02 2021 - 11:53:36 EST
On 4/2/21 1:38 AM, Jethro Beekman wrote:
>> So, we're talking here about pages that have been EEADDED, but for
>> which we do not want to include the entire contents of the page?
>> Do these contents always include the beginning of the page, or can
>> the holes be anywhere?
> Holes can be anywhere, and EEXTEND calls need not be sequential in
> memory address or even relate to the most recently EADDed page.
I think you're referring to the SGX architecture itself here. The
architecture permits this, right?
But, why would an enclave loader application ever do this? Is this
something we want to support in Linux?