[PATCH] media: atomisp: silence "dubious: !x | !y" warning

From: Ashish Kalra
Date: Sat Apr 17 2021 - 21:22:03 EST

Upon running sparse, "warning: dubious: !x | !y" is brought to notice
for this file. Logical and bitwise OR are basically the same in this
context so it doesn't cause a runtime bug. But let's change it to
logical OR to make it cleaner and silence the Sparse warning.

Signed-off-by: Ashish Kalra <eashishkalra@xxxxxxxxx>
.../media/atomisp/pci/isp/kernels/vf/vf_1.0/ia_css_vf.host.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/media/atomisp/pci/isp/kernels/vf/vf_1.0/ia_css_vf.host.c b/drivers/staging/media/atomisp/pci/isp/kernels/vf/vf_1.0/ia_css_vf.host.c
index 358cb7d2cd4c..71c3e7dac052 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/media/atomisp/pci/isp/kernels/vf/vf_1.0/ia_css_vf.host.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/media/atomisp/pci/isp/kernels/vf/vf_1.0/ia_css_vf.host.c
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ sh_css_vf_downscale_log2(
unsigned int ds_log2 = 0;
unsigned int out_width;

- if ((!out_info) | (!vf_info))
+ if (!out_info || !vf_info)
return -EINVAL;

out_width = out_info->res.width;
