[PATCH RFC] scripts: add a script for sending patches

From: Mauro Carvalho Chehab
Date: Fri Apr 23 2021 - 03:21:07 EST

This script send patches to an upstream maintainer's tree,
using git send-email and producing the relevant c/c list,
by using scripts/get_maintainers.pl.

Signed-off-by: Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab+huawei@xxxxxxxxxx>

As result of the current discussions about Rethinking the acceptance
policy for "trivial" patches, I'm submitting the script I wrote in order
to help me to send patches upstream using get_maintainers.pl.

I've been playing with this script since 2015, and had to improve and
add new options to it over time, based on some specific needs that
I detected while submitting patches both to a single subsystem and to
multiple ones.

scripts/send-patches.pl | 658 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 658 insertions(+)
create mode 100755 scripts/send-patches.pl

diff --git a/scripts/send-patches.pl b/scripts/send-patches.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..b4aa73979e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/send-patches.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Copyright (c) 2015- by Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@xxxxxxxxxx>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Email::Simple;
+use Email::Address;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use File::Path 'make_path';
+require Tk;
+require Tk::Text;
+require Tk::Font;
+require Tk::Toplevel;
+# Where the patch series will be stored. If doesn't exits,
+# it will be automatically created
+my $tmp_dir = "patches/tmp";
+# Used together with --avoid-resend
+my $resend_cache_dir = "patches/last_patches";
+my $version_ctrl = ".version_control";
+# File editor function. Currently relies on Tk to open
+# a separate edit window.
+sub edit_text($) {
+ my $fname = shift;
+ my $string = qx(cat $fname);
+ my $edited_text;
+ my $toplvl = MainWindow->new();
+ my $font = $toplvl->Font(family => 'fixed', size => 12);
+ my $frame_txt = $toplvl->Frame();
+ my $frame_btn = $toplvl->Frame();
+ $toplvl->configure(-title => "Editing $fname");
+ my $text = $frame_txt->Scrolled('Text')->pack;
+ $text->configure(-height => 30,
+ -background => 'black',
+ -foreground => 'gray',
+ -insertbackground => 'white',
+ -width => 80,
+ -wrap => 'word',
+ -font => $font);
+ my $Button1 = $frame_btn->Button();
+ $Button1->configure(-text => 'OK',
+ -bg => 'lightblue',
+ -width => 5,
+ -height => 1,
+ -command => sub{$edited_text = $text->get("1.0", "end"); $toplvl->destroy} );
+ $text->insert('1.0', $string);
+ # Pack the widgets in the frames
+ $text->pack();
+ $frame_txt->pack();
+ $frame_btn->pack();
+ $Button1->pack();
+ $text->waitWindow();
+ return $edited_text;
+# Argument handling
+my $edit = 0;
+my $cover = 0;
+my $man = 0;
+my $help = 0;
+my $cmd_line = "git format-patch -o $tmp_dir --stat --summary --patience --signoff --thread=shallow";
+my $changeset = 0;
+my $dont_send = 0;
+my $avoid_resend = 0;
+my $reply_patches = 0;
+my $subject_prefix = "PATCH";
+my $dont_get_maintainer = 0;
+my $dont_get_reviewer = 0;
+my $reroll_count = "";
+my $git = 0;
+my $nogit = 0;
+my $add_everyone = 0;
+my $unify = "";
+my $to_maintainers = 0;
+ "cover|letter" => sub { $cmd_line .= " --cover-letter"; $cover = 1},
+ "no-merge|no-merges|no-renames" => sub { $cmd_line .= " --no-renames" },
+ "merge|M" => sub { $cmd_line .= " -M01" },
+ "delete|D" => sub { $cmd_line .= " -D" },
+ "unify|U=s" => \$unify,
+ "to=s" => sub { my ($opt, $arg) = @_; $cmd_line .= " --to '$arg'" },
+ "cc=s" => sub { my ($opt, $arg) = @_; $cmd_line .= " --cc '$arg'" },
+ "prefix|subject-prefix=s" => \$subject_prefix,
+ "edit|annotate" => \$edit,
+ "dry-run|dont-send" => \$dont_send,
+ "reply-patches" => sub { $reply_patches = 1; $avoid_resend = 1; $cmd_line .= " -N" },
+ "avoid-resend" => sub { $avoid_resend = 1; $cmd_line .= " -N" },
+ "dont-get-maintainer" => \$dont_get_maintainer,
+ "dont-get-reviewer" => \$dont_get_reviewer,
+ "everyone|add-everyone" => \$add_everyone,
+ "git" => \$git,
+ "no-git-fallback" => \$nogit,
+ "to-maintainers" => \$to_maintainers,
+ "v|reroll_count=s" => \$reroll_count,
+ "help" => \$help,
+ "man" => \$man,
+) or pod2usage(2);
+$help = 1 if (@ARGV < 1);
+if ($avoid_resend && $cover) {
+ printf ("Sorry, you can't avoid resend patches and add a cover yet.\n");
+pod2usage(1) if $help;
+pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;
+$cmd_line .= " --subject-prefix '$subject_prefix'";
+$cmd_line .= " -v $reroll_count" if ($reroll_count);
+$cmd_line .= " -U$unify" if ($unify);
+$cmd_line = join(' ', $cmd_line, @ARGV);
+$dont_get_reviewer = 1 if ($dont_get_maintainer);
+# Prepare to avoid resending patches
+my %cgid_to_msgid;
+my %msgid_to_file;
+my %msgid_to_subject;
+sub msgid_from_last_patch($)
+ my $change_id = shift;
+ return 0 if (!$change_id);
+ return 0 if (!$cgid_to_msgid{$change_id});
+ return $cgid_to_msgid{$change_id};
+if ($avoid_resend) {
+ open IN, $version_ctrl or print "Can't find $version_ctrl\n";
+ while (<IN>) {
+ if (m/([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+).*\n/) {
+ $cgid_to_msgid{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ close IN;
+ opendir(my $dh, $resend_cache_dir) || die "can't read patches at $resend_cache_dir";
+ while(readdir $dh) {
+ my $name = "$resend_cache_dir/$_";
+ next if (-d $name);
+ my $raw_email = qx(cat $name);
+ my $email = Email::Simple->new($raw_email);
+ my $msgid = $email->header("Message-Id");
+ my $subject = $email->header("Subject");
+ $msgid_to_file{$msgid} = $name if ($msgid);
+ $msgid_to_subject{$msgid} = $subject if ($subject && $msgid);
+ }
+ closedir $dh;
+sub get_maintainer($$)
+ my $cmd = $_[0];
+ my @file_cc = @{$_[1]};
+ my $role;
+ my $e_mail;
+ my %cc = (
+ "linux-kernel\@vger.kernel.org" => 1
+ );
+ foreach $e_mail (@file_cc) {
+ my @addresses = Email::Address->parse($e_mail);
+ for my $address (@addresses) {
+ $cc{$address} = "cc";
+ }
+ }
+ $cmd = "./scripts/get_maintainer.pl " . $cmd;
+ print "$cmd\n";
+ open IN, "$cmd |" or die "can't run $cmd";
+ while (<IN>) {
+ $e_mail = $_;
+ $e_mail =~ s/(.*\@\S+)\s*\(.*/$1/;
+ $e_mail =~ s/\s*$//;
+ if (m/\(.*(open list|moderated list|subscriber list|maintainer|reviewer|modified|chief|commit_signer).*\)/) {
+ $role = $1;
+ } else {
+ $role = "cc";
+ }
+ # Discard myself
+ next if ($e_mail =~ m/(mchehab|mauro.?chehab)\S+\@\S+/);
+ $cc{$e_mail} = $role;
+ }
+ close IN;
+ return %cc;
+# Generate patches with git format-patch
+unlink glob "$tmp_dir/*";
+print "\$ $cmd_line\n";
+system ("$cmd_line >>/dev/null") && die("Failed to run git format-patch");
+# Add Cc: based on get_maintainer.pl script
+my @patches;
+my @send_patches;
+opendir(my $dh, $tmp_dir) || die "can't read patches at $tmp_dir";
+while(readdir $dh) {
+ my $name = "$tmp_dir/$_";
+ push @patches,$name if (-f $name);
+closedir $dh;
+my %changeids;
+my $has_cover;
+my %cover_cc;
+foreach my $f(sort @patches) {
+ print "Checking $f\n";
+ if ($f =~ m,0000-cover-letter.patch$,) {
+ push @send_patches, $f;
+ $has_cover = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $raw_email = qx(cat $f);
+ die "Can't read $f" if (!$raw_email);
+ my $email = Email::Simple->new($raw_email);
+ my $msgid = 0;
+ my $oldsubject;
+ my $change_id;
+ if ($raw_email =~ m/\nChange-Id:\s+([^\n]+)\n/) {
+ $change_id = $1;
+ }
+ if ($avoid_resend) {
+ $msgid = msgid_from_last_patch($change_id);
+ if ($msgid) {
+ if ($msgid_to_subject{$msgid}) {
+ $oldsubject = $msgid_to_subject{$msgid};
+ my $file = $msgid_to_file{$msgid};
+ my $old_md5 = qx(filterdiff $file | md5sum);
+ my $new_md5 = qx(filterdiff $f | md5sum);
+ $old_md5 =~ s/(\S+).*$/$1/;
+ $new_md5 =~ s/(\S+).*$/$1/;
+ if ($old_md5 eq $new_md5) {
+ printf " Skipping patch as it is identical to previous version\n";
+ unlink $f;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ my $new_msgid = $email->header("Message-Id");
+ $changeids{$change_id} = $new_msgid if ($new_msgid);
+ }
+ }
+ # Patch was not avoided. Push to the list of patches to send
+ push @send_patches, $f;
+ my $cmd = "";
+ $cmd .= "--git" if ($git);
+ $cmd .="--nogit-fallback --nogit-blame --nogit" if ($nogit);
+ $cmd .=" $f";
+ my @file_cc = $email->header("Cc");
+ if ($to_maintainers) {
+ push @file_cc, $email->header("To") if ($email->header("To"));
+ }
+ my %cc_email_map = get_maintainer $cmd, \@file_cc;
+ my %maintainers;
+ @file_cc = ();
+ my @file_to = ();
+ foreach my $cc (sort keys %cc_email_map) {
+ my $ml_added = 0;
+ my $role = $cc_email_map{$cc};
+ my $type = "Cc";
+ $type = "To" if ($to_maintainers && $role =~ "maintainer");
+ if ($role =~ "maintainer") {
+ if (!$dont_get_maintainer) {
+ $ml_added = 1;
+ $cover_cc{$cc} = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($role =~ "reviewer") {
+ if (!$dont_get_reviewer) {
+ $ml_added = 1;
+ $cover_cc{$cc} = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($role =~ "list") {
+ $ml_added = 1;
+ $cover_cc{$cc} = 1;
+ } elsif ($add_everyone) {
+ $ml_added = 1;
+ $cover_cc{$cc} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($type eq "To") {
+ push @file_to, $cc;
+ } else {
+ push @file_cc, $cc;
+ }
+ if ($ml_added && $cover) {
+ printf " $type + cover Cc: $cc (%s)\n", $role;
+ } else {
+ printf " $type: $cc (%s)\n", $role;
+ }
+ }
+ $email->header_set("To", @file_to) if (@file_to);
+ $email->header_set("Cc", @file_cc) if (@file_cc);
+ # Remove Change-Id meta-data from the e-mail to be submitted
+ my $body = $email->body;
+ $body =~ s/(\nChange-Id:\s+[^\n]+\n)/\n/;
+ $email->body_set($body);
+ if ($avoid_resend) {
+ if (!$reply_patches && $msgid) {
+ $email->body_set("New version of $oldsubject\n\n$body");
+ } else {
+ die "New patches in the series. Can't proceed." if (!$msgid);
+ die "Failed to find old subject. Can't proceed." if (!$oldsubject);
+ $email->header_set("Subject", "Re: $oldsubject");
+ }
+ $email->header_set("In-Reply-To", $msgid);
+ $email->header_set("References", $msgid);
+ }
+ open OUT, ">$f";
+ print OUT $email->as_string;
+ close OUT;
+# Sanity check
+die "Something wrong when generating/detecting a cover" if ($cover && !$has_cover);
+# Add everyone at the cover's to: field
+if ($has_cover) {
+ my $count_cc = 0;
+ foreach my $f(sort @patches) {
+ next if (!($f =~ m,0000-cover-letter.patch$,));
+ print "$f:\n";
+ my $raw_email = qx(cat $f);
+ die "Can't read $f" if (!$raw_email);
+ my $email = Email::Simple->new($raw_email);
+ my @file_cc = $email->header("Cc");
+ foreach my $e_mail (@file_cc) {
+ my @addresses = Email::Address->parse($e_mail);
+ for my $address (@addresses) {
+ $cover_cc{$address} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $to(sort keys %cover_cc) {
+ print " Cc: $to\n";
+ push @file_cc, $to;
+ $count_cc++;
+ }
+ $email->header_set("Cc", @file_cc);
+ open OUT, ">$f";
+ print OUT $email->as_string;
+ close OUT;
+ print "Number of Cc at cover: $count_cc\n";
+ }
+# Renumber the patches
+if ($avoid_resend && !$reply_patches) {
+ my $tot_patch = @send_patches;
+ $tot_patch-- if ($cover);
+ my $digits = int(log($tot_patch)/log(10)+0.99999);
+ my $patch = 1;
+ foreach my $f(@send_patches) {
+ next if ($f =~ m,0000-cover-letter.patch$,);
+ my $raw_email = qx(cat $f);
+ die "Can't read $f" if (!$raw_email);
+ my $email = Email::Simple->new($raw_email);
+ my $subject = $email->header("Subject");
+ my $number = sprintf("%0${digits}d/%0${digits}d", $patch, $tot_patch);
+ $subject =~ s/^\[[^\]]+\]\s*//;
+ $subject = "[$subject_prefix $number] " . $subject;
+ printf("$subject\n");
+ $email->header_set("Subject", $subject);
+ $patch++;
+ open OUT, ">$f";
+ print OUT $email->as_string;
+ close OUT;
+ }
+# Open an editor if needed
+if ($edit || $cover) {
+ foreach my $f(sort @send_patches) {
+ my $new_text;
+ do {
+ $new_text = edit_text($f);
+ } while (!$new_text);
+ open OUT, ">$f";
+ print OUT $new_text;
+ close OUT;
+ last if ($cover);
+ }
+# Send the emails
+if (!$dont_send) {
+ printf("\$ git send-email $tmp_dir\n");
+ system("git send-email $tmp_dir");
+} else {
+ printf("Use git send-email $tmp_dir to send the patches\n");
+# Update the change IDs with the new patches
+foreach my $chgid (keys %changeids) {
+ $cgid_to_msgid{$chgid} = $changeids{$chgid};
+open OUT,">$version_ctrl.new";
+foreach my $chgid (sort keys %cgid_to_msgid) {
+ printf OUT "%s\t%s\n", $chgid, $cgid_to_msgid{$chgid};
+close OUT;
+if ($dont_send) {
+ printf("New version control stored as: .version_control.new\n" .
+ "Don't forget rename it to .version_control for the next patch series after sending it.\n");
+} else {
+ rename $version_ctrl, "$version_ctrl.old";
+ rename "$version_ctrl.new", $version_ctrl;
+=head1 NAME
+send-patches.pl - Send patches upstream
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+send-patches.pl [options] [changeset] -- [options for git format-patch]
+--unify/-U [level]
+--to [e@mail]
+--cc [e@mail]
+--reroll-count/-v [version number]
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<--cover> or B<--cover-letter>
+Patch series will have a cover letter. Automatically enables edition
+=item B<--no-renames> or B<--no-merges> or B<--no-merge>
+Disables git merge detection with git show --no-renames
+=item B<--merge> or B<--M>
+Enables aggressive git merge detection with git show -M01
+=item B<--delete> or B<--D>
+Omit the previous content on deletes, printing only the header but
+not the diff between the removed files and /dev/null.
+=item B<--unify> or B<--U>
+Set the unify diff level (default=3).
+=item B<--to>
+Add one more recipient destination for the e-mail
+(at the To: part of the email)
+=item B<--cc>
+Add one more recipient carbon copy destination for the e-mail
+(at the Cc: part of the email)
+=item B<--prefix> or B<--subject-prefix>
+By default, the subject prefix will be "PATCH". This otpion allows changing
+=item B<--edit>
+Allows editing each patch in the series, and the cover letter.
+=item B<--dont-send> or B<--dry-run>
+Do everything but calling git send-email. Useful to test the tool or
+when you need to do more complex things.
+=item B<--reply-patches>
+Instead of sending a new series, reply to an existing one. This only
+works if no new patches were added at the series.
+=item B<--avoid-resend>
+Don't resend patches that are identical to the previosly send
+series of patches. The patches that will be send will be renumbered.
+Please notice that this option is currently incompatible with
+a --cover, as we need to teach this script how to remove the
+removed patches from the letter summary.
+=item B<--dont-get-maintainer>
+Ignore maintainers at the cover letter.
+=item B<--dont-get-reviewer>
+Ignore reviewers at the cover letter.
+=item B<--everyone>/<--add-everyone>
+The script/get_maintainers.pl returns maintainers, reviewers and mailing lists.
+It also returns a list of usual contributors.
+By default, the usual contributors are ignored at the cover letter, being
+added only at the patches themselves. When this flag is used, they'll also
+be c/c to the cover letter.
+=item B<--git>
+Include recent git *-by: signers.
+=item B<--no-git-fallback>
+Use git when no exact MAINTAINERS pattern. This disables detection of the
+usual contributors.
+=item B<--to-maintainers>
+Instead of placing patches on a series, send them individually
+to their own maintainers.
+=item B<-v>/<--reroll-count>
+Change the version number on a patch series, by passing --reroll-count
+to git format-patch.
+=item B<--help>
+Print a brief help message and exits.
+=item B<--man>
+Prints the manual page and exits.
+B<This program> will submit a patch series upstream.
+=head1 BUGS
+Report bugs to Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@xxxxxxxxxx>
+Copyright (c) 2015- by Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mcheha@xxxxxxxxxx>.
+License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2 <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
+This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
+There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.