Re: [PATCH v4 1/2] drm/msm/dp: handle irq_hpd with sink_count = 0 correctly

From: Stephen Boyd
Date: Tue May 18 2021 - 17:42:22 EST

Quoting Kuogee Hsieh (2021-05-14 10:35:13)
> irq_hpd interrupt should be handled after dongle plugged in and
> before dongle unplugged. Hence irq_hpd interrupt is enabled at
> the end of the plugin handle and disabled at the beginning of
> unplugged handle. Current irq_hpd with sink_count = 0 is wrongly
> handled same as the dongle unplugged which tears down the mainlink
> and disables the phy. This patch fixes this problem by only tearing
> down the mainlink but keeping phy enabled at irq_hpd with
> sink_count = 0 handle so that next irq_hpd with sink_count =1 can be
> handled by setup mainlink only.
> Changes in v2:
> -- add ctrl->phy_Power_count
> Changes in v3:
> -- del ctrl->phy_Power_count
> -- add phy_power_off to dp_ctrl_off_link_stream()
> Changes in v4:
> -- return immediately if clock disable failed at dp_ctrl_off_link_stream()
> Signed-off-by: Kuogee Hsieh <khsieh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I think we want some Fixes tag. Not sure what it would be though.

I also noticed that if I plug and unplug the HDMI cable from my apple
dongle that I see this error message

[drm:dp_display_usbpd_attention_cb] *ERROR* Disconnected, no

which looks like the irq_hpd comes in while I'm disconnecting the HDMI
cable but the hpd_state is ST_DISCONNECTED. The state is set to
ST_DISCONNECTED in msm_dp_display_disable() so it seems that userspace
has turned off the external display, and then the kthread runs for the
irq_hpd but it's too late.

Something is missing from this patch then to properly disable the
IRQ_HPD interrupt before telling userspace that the external display is
disconnected. Shouldn't we be toggling the irq enable bits from the
hardirq context when we figure out what it is? The logic would be

in_hardirq() {

if (hpd high)
enable_irq_hpd(); // Probably this can be delayed to the kthread
after enabling the link

if (hpd_low)
disable_irq_hpd(); // But this certainly cannot be in the kthread

else if (irq_hpd) // Notice the else-if so that if hpd is low we
don't even try to handle irq_hpd if it came in at the same time

Because we can't really mess with the irq controls in the kthread when
hpd goes low, it will be too late. For all we know, the kthread could
run seconds later, after an irq_hpd has come bouncing in at the same
time and pushed an irq_hpd handling event onto the kthread.