Re: [PATCH 7/7] powerpc/signal: Use unsafe_copy_siginfo_to_user()

From: Christophe Leroy
Date: Tue Jun 15 2021 - 03:01:20 EST

Le 15/06/2021 à 08:55, Christoph Hellwig a écrit :
@@ -836,14 +830,19 @@ int handle_rt_signal32(struct ksignal *ksig, sigset_t *oldset,
asm("dcbst %y0; sync; icbi %y0; sync" :: "Z" (mctx->mc_pad[0]));
unsafe_put_sigset_t(&frame->uc.uc_sigmask, oldset, failed);
+ unsafe_copy_siginfo_to_user(&frame->info, &ksig->info, failed);
/* create a stack frame for the caller of the handler */
unsafe_put_user(regs->gpr[1], newsp, failed);
- if (copy_siginfo_to_user(&frame->info, &ksig->info))
+ if (copy_siginfo_to_user32(&frame->info, &ksig->info))
goto badframe;

Shouldn't the compat case be handled the same way?

It would be best, but it is not that easy to convert. So for the time being it is left aside, anyway compat is for compatibility, so performance doesn't matter so much.