Re: [PATCH Part1 RFC v3 11/22] x86/sev: Add helper for validating pages in early enc attribute changes

From: Borislav Petkov
Date: Wed Jun 16 2021 - 08:03:37 EST

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 06:00:09AM -0500, Brijesh Singh wrote:
> I am trying to be consistent with previous VMGEXIT implementations. If
> the command itself failed then use the command specific error code to
> tell hypervisor why we terminated but if the hypervisor violated the
> GHCB specification then use the "general request termination".

I feel like we're running in circles here: I ask about debuggability
and telling the user what exactly failed and you're giving me some
explanation about what the error codes mean. I can see what they mean.

So let me try again:

Imagine you're a guest owner and you haven't written the SNP code and
you don't know how it works.

You start a guest in the public cloud and it fails because the
hypervisor violates the GHCB protocol and all that guest prints before
it dies is

"general request termination"

How are you - the guest owner - going to find out what exactly happened?

Call support?
