Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] PCI: xilinx-nwl: Enable the clock through CCF

From: Michal Simek
Date: Fri Jun 25 2021 - 06:49:08 EST


On 6/23/21 4:19 PM, Krzysztof WilczyƄski wrote:
> Hi Michal,
> [...]
>>> Does it make sense for this change to be back-ported to stable and
>>> long-term kernels?
>>> I am asking to make sure we do the right thing here, as I can imagine
>>> that older kernels (primarily because some folks could use, for example,
>>> Ubuntu LTS releases for development) might often be used by people who
>>> work with the Xilinx FPGAs and such.
>> I think that make sense to do so. I haven't had a time to take look at
>> it closely but I think on Xilinx ZynqMP zcu102 board this missing patch
>> is causing hang when standard debian 5.10 is used.
> OK. This definitely would be a good candidate for back-port then - it
> might help quite a few folks to get their device going without this
> troublesome hang you mentioned.
> There are a few options as per:
> You can send v3 adding the appropriate tag (see above link or the
> comment below) or once this series (or mainly this patch) reaches Linus'
> tree, then send a message to the stable maintainers mailing list to let
> them know what any why to back-port.
> At this point, I believe that adding the "Cc:" tag which includes the
> "stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" might be the best option as it would involve
> the least amount of work to for Sasha et al.
> What do you think? Which option would you like to go for?

I have sent v3 with above changes.
