Re: [PATCH Part2 RFC v4 08/40] x86/traps: Define RMP violation #PF error code

From: Dave Hansen
Date: Thu Jul 15 2021 - 15:49:43 EST

On 7/15/21 12:02 PM, Sean Christopherson wrote:
>> #ifndef _ASM_X86_TRAP_PF_H
>> #define _ASM_X86_TRAP_PF_H
>> +#include <vdso/bits.h> /* BIT() macro */
> What are people's thoughts on using linux/bits.h instead of vdso.bits.h, even
> though the vDSO version is technically sufficient? Seeing the "vdso" reference
> definitely made me blink slowly a few times.

Ugh, missed that. Yes, that does look very weird.

I don't see any reason to use that vdso/ version instead of BIT_ULL().
I suspect I said to use BIT() when I commented on this in a previous
round. If so, that was wrong.