Re: [Regression 5.14] media: dvb userspace api
From: Manu Abraham
Date: Sat Aug 21 2021 - 09:59:17 EST
Dearest Mauro,
I am not trying to annoy you or anyone else with my response here, but:
On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 5:01 PM Mauro Carvalho Chehab
<mchehab+huawei@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Em Wed, 11 Aug 2021 14:15:02 +0200
> Soeren Moch <smoch@xxxxxx> escreveu:
> > Commit 819fbd3d8ef36c09576c2a0ffea503f5c46e9177 ("media: dvb header
> > files: move some headers to staging") moved audio, video, and osd parts
> > of the media DVB API to staging and out of kernel headers. But this is
> > part of the media userspace API, removing this causes regressions.
> There's no regression: a legacy driver (av7110) for a device that stopped
> being manufactured 15 years ago and that doesn't work anymore with current
> Digital TV transmissions was removed, together with the API that it was
> implemented inside such driver's code.
Please do not exaggerate..
(I can write more precise technical details in here, but that will not solve the
real issue at hand.)
You have only your own viewpoint, refuse to listen to anyone else. Wonder
why all the DVB developers left development ? It's all about you, yourself
and you. Linus doesn't care about anything else, you have been very lucky!
You need serious introspection about yourself. Take a deep breath, think for
yourself, why I stopped submitting code. Forget myself, think about the list
of developers who were around, but not now.
People need to have fun with what they are doing, but you make it, everything
about yourself. It's all about maintaining connections, rather than destroying
them. At least during these uncertain times, please stop the narrow thinking.
If you find my view offending, just ignore it, no need to give another thousand
mile long essay; I am on my way ..
Friendly Regards,