Re: [PATCH 1/2] staging: r8188eu: Use usb_control_msg_recv/send() in usbctrl_vendorreq()
From: Phillip Potter
Date: Tue Aug 24 2021 - 17:59:51 EST
On Tue, 24 Aug 2021 at 02:38, Fabio M. De Francesco
<fmdefrancesco@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Philip,
> I think that I've inadvertently switched the order by which usb_control_msg_send()
> and memcpy() are called. I'm very sorry for not doing my tests, but (as I had said
> before) at the moment I don't have my device with me.
> I'm about to send a v2 series.
> Thanks very much for testing on my behalf.
> Regards,
> Fabio
Dear Fabio,
Just going through my e-mails now after the work day, so sorry for not
replying sooner. Don't feel you have to apologise for things like this
honestly, we are all human and there is a huge amount of churn on this
driver at the moment. I know there are subsequent e-mails indicating
this was not the problem anyway, but in any case, I am happy to test
when I'm able to, and don't worry if it doesn't always work - my code
is guilty of the same thing constantly :-)