[PATCH 0/8] staging: r8188eu: remove unused code

From: Michael Straube
Date: Sat Sep 18 2021 - 05:58:04 EST

This series removes some unused functions and the unused struct

Tested on x86_64 with Inter-Tech DMG-02.

Michael Straube (8):
staging: r8188eu: remove odm_ConfigRF_RadioB_8188E()
staging: r8188eu: remove ODM_DIG_LowerBound_88E()
staging: r8188eu: remove rtl8188e_RF_ChangeTxPath()
staging: r8188eu: remove unused struct rf_shadow
staging: r8188eu: remove HalDetectPwrDownMode88E()
staging: r8188eu: remove rtw_IOL_cmd_tx_pkt_buf_dump()
staging: r8188eu: remove rtl8188e_set_rssi_cmd()
staging: r8188eu: remove EFUSE_Read1Byte()

drivers/staging/r8188eu/core/rtw_efuse.c | 58 -------------------
drivers/staging/r8188eu/hal/odm_RTL8188E.c | 9 ---
.../staging/r8188eu/hal/odm_RegConfig8188E.c | 8 ---
drivers/staging/r8188eu/hal/rtl8188e_cmd.c | 15 -----
.../staging/r8188eu/hal/rtl8188e_hal_init.c | 51 ----------------
drivers/staging/r8188eu/hal/rtl8188e_rf6052.c | 43 --------------
.../staging/r8188eu/include/odm_RTL8188E.h | 2 -
.../r8188eu/include/odm_RegConfig8188E.h | 3 -
.../staging/r8188eu/include/rtl8188e_cmd.h | 1 -
.../staging/r8188eu/include/rtl8188e_hal.h | 3 -
drivers/staging/r8188eu/include/rtl8188e_rf.h | 1 -
drivers/staging/r8188eu/include/rtw_efuse.h | 1 -
12 files changed, 195 deletions(-)
