Re: [PATCH 3/3] perf tests: Improve temp file cleanup in
From: Leo Yan
Date: Wed Sep 22 2021 - 10:08:41 EST
Hi James,
On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 02:40:54PM +0100, James Clark wrote:
> >> cleanup_files()
> >> {
> >> rm -f ${perfdata}
> >> rm -f ${file}
> >> + rm -f "${perfdata}.old"
> >> + trap - exit term int
> >> + kill -2 $$
> >
> > Here it always sends signal SIGINT to current PID with $$, another
> > choice is to send signal based on the incoming signal type, like below:
> >
> > [[ "$1" = "int" ]] || kill -SIGINT $$
> > [[ "$1" = "term" ]] || kill -SIGTERM $$
> Yes I thought that this might be an issue, but I tested it in a few different
> scenarios. Especially when running it under the normal ./perf test command and
> it didn't seem to cause an issue whether it passed or failed. So I'm not sure
> if it's worth changing or not. Maybe it is in case it gets copy pasted into
> another shell test?
I think it's not very necessary to send signal again with command
"kill -2 $$" at here.
"kill -2 $$" sends the signal to the shell process itself rather than
propagating signal to its parent process. And the up level's script
should can detect an error with the returned exit code.
So below change should be sufficient?
rm -f ${perfdata}
rm -f ${file}
+ rm -f "${perfdata}.old"
+ exit $glb_err
Sorry if I miss anything at here and cause noise.