Re: [PATCH] riscv: Add RISC-V svpbmt extension

From: Nick Kossifidis
Date: Thu Sep 23 2021 - 06:09:56 EST

Στις 2021-09-23 13:04, Philipp Tomsich έγραψε:

How if we expand this to a mmu subnode in cpu@x and add a booleans for adornments like svnapot and svpbmt?
The older mmu-type could then treated to indicate a mmu w/o any adornments specified. I am aware that this generates an additional parsing-path that will be maintained, but it will allow future properties to be grouped.

cpu@0 {
mmu {
type = "riscv,sv39";

I was about to propose the same thing, we can do this now without breaking backwards compatibility, we don't really use mmu-type property at this point, we are either sv39 or nommu.