Re: [PATCH v2 2/3] hwmon: (asus_wmi_ec_sensors) Support B550 Asus WMI.
From: Eugene Shalygin
Date: Sun Oct 10 2021 - 09:46:42 EST
Hi Denis,
On Sun, 10 Oct 2021 at 12:39, Denis Pauk <pauk.denis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Eugene,
> As for me, use WMI methods will be more reliable and cover more
> motherboards.
Why do you believe they are more reliable? How does it cover more motherboards?
> Best regards,
> Denis.
> On Thu, 7 Oct 2021 20:11:33 +0200
> Eugene Shalygin <eugene.shalygin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Denis and All,
> >
> > regarding the asus-wmi-ec-sensors driver: it uses a WMI method to read
> > EC registers, and this method is slow (requires almost a full second
> > for a single call). Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but my impression
> > is that the WMI calls themselves are that slow. I will try to
> > reimplement this driver using direct EC operations and the global ACPI
> > lock with a hope to make it read sensors quicker. If that works out,
> > perhaps the nct6775 may go the same way, as it suffers too from the
> > slow WMI calls. I know next to nothing about the ACPI system and learn
> > from the beginning, so I'm not sure about the result. I know the naive
> > reading from the ACPI EC registers leads to problems (fans get stuck,
> > etc.), and if someone with knowledge can assure me that the idea with
> > the ACPI global lock (as far as I understand it is even implemented in
> > the ec kernel driver already) is correct, I would even request to stop
> > accepting the EC WMI sensors driver, as it is so slow (albeit dead
> > simple and small).
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Eugen
> >