Re: [RFC PATCH v3 6/9] power: supply: Add batinfo functions for OCV to SOC with 0.1% accuracy
From: Linus Walleij
Date: Thu Nov 18 2021 - 20:49:30 EST
On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 1:27 PM Matti Vaittinen
<matti.vaittinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The battery info functions computing the state-of-charge (SOC) based
> on open-circuit-voltage (OCV) are returning SOC using units of 1%.
> Some capacity estimation computations require higher accuracy. Add
> functions that return SOC using units of 0.1% to reduce rounding error.
> Signed-off-by: Matti Vaittinen <matti.vaittinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
That sounds useful.
> +int power_supply_ocv2dcap_simple(struct power_supply_battery_ocv_table *table,
> + int table_len, int ocv)
> +{
> + int i, cap, tmp;
Why a whole new function? Just rename the original power_supply_ocv2cap_simple()
to power_supply_ocv2dcap_simple and patch it to return the finegrained value,
then add a wrapper that use that function but drops it down by one order
of magnitude.
> +int power_supply_batinfo_ocv2dcap(struct power_supply_battery_info *info,
> + int ocv, int temp)
Same with this, saves a lot of code!
(Also will use my new interpolation routines since you refactor
on top of that.)
Linus Walleij