Set the reserved memory automatically for the crash kernel based on
Most code of this patch come from:
diff --git a/kernel/crash_core.c b/kernel/crash_core.c
index 256cf6d..32c51e2 100644
--- a/kernel/crash_core.c
+++ b/kernel/crash_core.c
@@ -252,6 +252,26 @@ static int __init __parse_crashkernel(char *cmdline,
if (suffix)
return parse_crashkernel_suffix(ck_cmdline, crash_size,
+ if (strncmp(ck_cmdline, "auto", 4) == 0) {
+#if defined(CONFIG_X86_64) || defined(CONFIG_S390)
+ ck_cmdline = "1G-4G:160M,4G-64G:192M,64G-1T:256M,1T-:512M";
+#elif defined(CONFIG_ARM64)
+ ck_cmdline = "2G-:448M";
+#elif defined(CONFIG_PPC64)
+ char *fadump_cmdline;
+ fadump_cmdline = get_last_crashkernel(cmdline, "fadump=", NULL);
+ fadump_cmdline = fadump_cmdline ?
+ fadump_cmdline + strlen("fadump=") : NULL;
+ if (!fadump_cmdline || (strncmp(fadump_cmdline, "off", 3) == 0))
+ ck_cmdline = "2G-4G:384M,4G-16G:512M,16G-64G:1G,64G-128G:2G,128G-:4G";
+ else
+ ck_cmdline = "4G-16G:768M,16G-64G:1G,64G-128G:2G,128G-1T:4G,1T-2T:6G,2T-4T:12G,4T-8T:20G,8T-16T:36G,16T-32T:64G,32T-64T:128G,64T-:180G";
+ pr_info("Using crashkernel=auto, the size chosen is a best effort estimation.\n");
+ }