On Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 03:12:09PM +0100, Christophe JAILLET wrote:
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ int pt_core_init(struct pt_device *pt)
/* Request an irq */
ret = request_irq(pt->pt_irq, pt_core_irq_handler, 0, dev_name(pt->dev), pt);
if (ret)
- goto e_pool;
+ goto e_dma_alloc;
These are ComeFrom label names. It's an unfortunate style of naming
labels based on the goto location instead of saying what the goto does.
This is one of those cases where the code has moved on, and now the name
no longer points to where it came from or to where it's going. It just
stands as a Hyperart Thomasson pointing to the past. It reminds us of
change and decay. Take time to smell the air in autumn. Beauty is all
dan carpenter