Re: [PATCH RFC v1 1/2] random: add mechanism for VM forks to reinitialize crng
From: Eric Biggers
Date: Wed Feb 23 2022 - 20:36:42 EST
On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 01:54:54AM +0100, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote:
> On 2/24/22, Eric Biggers <ebiggers@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I think we should be removing cases where the base_crng key is changed
> > directly
> > besides extraction from the input_pool, not adding new ones. Why not
> > implement
> > this as add_device_randomness() followed by crng_reseed(force=true), where
> > the
> > 'force' argument forces a reseed to occur even if the entropy_count is too
> > low?
> Because that induces a "premature next" condition which can let that
> entropy, potentially newly acquired by a storm of IRQs at power-on, be
> bruteforced by unprivileged userspace. I actually had it exactly the
> way you describe at first, but decided that this here is the lesser of
> evils and doesn't really complicate things the way an intentional
> premature next would. The only thing we care about here is branching
> the crng stream, and so this does explicitly that, without having to
> interfere with how we collect entropy. Of course we *also* add it as
> non-credited "device randomness" so that it's part of the next
> reseeding, whenever that might occur.
Can you make sure to properly explain this in the code?
- Eric