Re: [PATCH 2/6] list: add new MACROs to make iterator invisiable

From: Michał Mirosław
Date: Thu Mar 10 2022 - 19:00:02 EST

Hi Linus,

If the macro implementation doesn't have to be pretty, maybe it could go
a step further and remember the list_head's offset? That would look
something like following (expanding on your patch; not compile tested):

#define list_traversal_head(type,name,target_member) \
union { \
struct list_head name; \
type *name##_traversal_type; \
char (*name##_list_head_offset)[offsetof(type, target_member)]; \

#define list_traversal_entry(ptr, head) \
(typeof(*head##_traversal_type))((void *)ptr - sizeof(**head##_list_head_offset))

#define list_traversal_entry_head(ptr, head) \
(struct list_head *)((void *)ptr + sizeof(**head##_list_head_offset))

#define list_traversal_entry_is_head(ptr, head) \
(list_traversal_entry_head(ptr, head) == (head))

#define list_traversal_next_entry(ptr, head) \
list_traversal_entry(list_traversal_entry_head(ptr, head)->next)

#define list_traverse(pos, head) \
for (typeof(*head##_traversal_type) pos = list_traversal_entry((head)->next); \
!list_traversal_entry_head(pos, head) == (head); \
pos = list_traversal_next_entry(pos, head))

[Sorry for lack of citations - I found the thread via]

Michał Mirosław