Re: Fw:Re: [PATCH] fs: nilfs2: fix memory leak in nilfs sysfs create device group

From: Pavel Skripkin
Date: Sat Mar 12 2022 - 10:16:19 EST

Hi Ryusuke,

On 3/12/22 18:11, Ryusuke Konishi wrote:
In case of nilfs_attach_log_writer() error code jumps to
failed_checkpoint label and calls destroy_nilfs() which should call

nilfs_sysfs_delete_device_group() is called in destroy_nilfs()
if nilfs->ns_flags has THE_NILFS_INIT flag -- nilfs_init() inline
function tests this flag.

The flag is set after init_nilfs() succeeded at the beginning of
nilfs_fill_super() because the set_nilfs_init() inline in init_nilfs() sets it.

So, nilfs_sysfs_delete_group() seems to be called in case of
the above failure. Am I missing something?

Yeah, that's what I mean :) I can't see how reported issue is possible with current code.

Sorry for not being clear

With regards,
Pavel Skripkin