Re: [PATCH v2 0/8] Add hardware prefetch control driver for arm64 and x86

From: Dave Hansen
Date: Mon Mar 14 2022 - 15:19:35 EST

On 3/11/22 02:19, Kohei Tarumizu wrote:
> The advantage of using this is improved performance. As an example of
> performance improvements, the results of running the Stream benchmark
> on the A64FX are described in section [Merit].

I take it that there are users out there today that are sufficiently
motivated by the increased performance that they just do "wrmsr 0x1a4

You talked about this in the "[Merit]" section. But, that's a _little_
unconvincing. I don't doubt that there is *a* workload out there that
can benefit from hardware prefetcher tweaks.

Do we really expect end users to run their workloads and tweak these
values to find something optimal for them?