Re: [PATCH] boot install: Partially refactor the logic for detecting bootloader

From: Borislav Petkov
Date: Sat Mar 19 2022 - 17:20:55 EST

On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 04:46:48PM +0300, Beru Shinsetsu wrote:
> > Well, I saw this on SLE15-SP4 (brand new) yesterday while I haven't
> > seen it on previous service packs. So this doesn't look like it has
> > been there since 2007. I'll try to debug it when I get a chance.
> Hmm alright. Good luck from now! Hope everything goes flawlessly.

Here it is:

>From arch/x86/boot/

# User may have a custom install script

if [ -x ~/bin/${INSTALLKERNEL} ]; then exec ~/bin/${INSTALLKERNEL} "$@"; fi
if [ -x /sbin/${INSTALLKERNEL} ]; then exec /sbin/${INSTALLKERNEL} "$@"; fi

so distros *usually* should supply a custom, distro-specific
installkernel script which does that. The distros which you are seeing
it on simply don't have that script installed and I need to talk to
distro people as to what the rule there is for supplying such a script

Because most distros should supply it though and those new distros
dropping it looks like some new "strategy" or so.

We'll see.
