Re: Is it time to remove reiserfs?

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sat Apr 02 2022 - 06:57:58 EST

> > So from my distro experience installed userbase of reiserfs is pretty small
> > and shrinking. We still do build reiserfs in openSUSE / SLES kernels but
> > for enterprise offerings it is unsupported (for like 3-4 years) and the module
> > is not in the default kernel rpm anymore.
> >
> > So clearly the filesystem is on the deprecation path, the question is
> > whether it is far enough to remove it from the kernel completely. Maybe
> > time to start deprecation by printing warnings when reiserfs gets mounted
> > and then if nobody yells for year or two, we'll go ahead and remove it?
> Yup, I'd say we should deprecate it and add it to the removal
> schedule. The less poorly tested legacy filesystem code we have to
> maintain the better.
> Along those lines, I think we really need to be more aggressive
> about deprecating and removing filesystems that cannot (or will not)
> be made y2038k compliant in the new future. We're getting to close
> to the point where long term distro and/or product development life
> cycles will overlap with y2038k, so we should be thinking of
> deprecating and removing such filesystems before they end up in
> products that will still be in use in 15 years time.
> And just so everyone in the discussion is aware: XFS already has a
> deprecation and removal schedule for the non-y2038k-compliant v4
> filesystem format. It's officially deprecated right now, we'll stop
> building kernels with v4 support enabled by default in 2025, and
> we're removing the code that supports the v4 format entirely in
> 2030.


It is not up to you. You can't remove feature people are
using. Sorry. Talk to Linus about that.

Best regards,
People of Russia, stop Putin before his war on Ukraine escalates.

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