On Sun, Apr 03, 2022 at 02:18:04PM +0200, Michael Straube wrote:
On 4/3/22 14:10, Fabio M. De Francesco wrote:
For a list of all the paths to a given function you may use Smatch:
./smatch/smatch_data/db/smdb.py ips_leave
./smatch/smatch_data/db/smdb.py call_tree ips_leave
But perhaps you already know how to do it.
Yes, but thank you anyway. :)
My email (gmail account) has been so weird recently. I don't know why
I'm not getting Fabio's emails... Presumably they will show up in a few
The other command to use is:
$ ./smatch/smatch_data/db/smdb.py preempt ips_leave
rtw_set_802_11_disassociate() <- disables preempt
-> _rtw_pwr_wakeup()
-> LeaveAllPowerSaveMode()
-> ips_leave()
I save that to a file, open it with with vim and run a vim function
`hall` (for highlight all) from my .vimrc file.
" Use :hall to highlight all the words in a file (for debugging sleeping bugs)
function HLall()
let a=[]
%s/\w\+/\=add(a, submatch(0))/gn
let @/ = join(a, "\\|")
cnoreabbrev hall call HLall() <CR>:set hls<CR>
That highlights all the functions is the call tree, then I use cscope to
jump to rtw_set_802_11_disassociate and follow the highlighted functions
to ips_leave().