Re: [PATCH 0/2] Prevent re-use of FUSE superblock after force unmount

From: Bernd Schubert
Date: Wed May 11 2022 - 07:39:06 EST

On 5/11/22 13:19, Daniil Lunev wrote:
At a glance it's a gross hack. I can think of more than one way in
which this could be achieved without adding a new field to struct
Can you advise what would be a better way to achieve that?

But... what I'd really prefer is if the underlying issue of fuse vs.
suspend was properly addressed instead of adding band-aids. And that
takes lots more resources, for sure, and the result is not guaranteed.
But you could at least give it a try.
We do have a limited success with userspace level sequencing of processes,
but on the kernel level - it is all quite untrivial, as you mentioned.
I did some
research, and what I found pretty much a 9 years old thread which went
nowhere at the end [1]. We would also prefer if suspend just worked (and
we have a person looking into what is actually breaking with suspend), but
there is an unbounded amount of time for how long the investigation and
search for a solution may be ongoing given the complexity of the problem,
and in the meantime there is no way to work around the problem.



So that sounds like anything that is waiting for a response cannot be frozen? Assuming there is an outstanding NFS request and the NFS server is down, suspend would not work until the NFS server comes back?
