On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 08:47:23AM -0600, Jeffrey Hugo wrote:
On 5/11/2022 8:41 AM, Wei Liu wrote:
On Mon, May 09, 2022 at 03:48:20PM -0600, Jeffrey Hugo wrote:
While multi-MSI appears to work with pci-hyperv.c, there was a concern about
how linux was doing the ITRE allocations. Patch 2 addresses the concern.
However, patch 2 exposed an issue with how compose_msi_msg() was freeing a
previous allocation when called for the Nth time. Imagine a driver using
pci_alloc_irq_vectors() to request 32 MSIs. This would cause compose_msi_msg()
to be called 32 times, once for each MSI. With patch 2, MSI0 would allocate
the ITREs needed, and MSI1-31 would use the cached information. Then the driver
uses request_irq() on MSI1-17. This would call compose_msi_msg() again on those
MSIs, which would again use the cached information. Then unmask() would be
called to retarget the MSIs to the right VCPU vectors. Finally, the driver
calls request_irq() on MSI0. This would call conpose_msi_msg(), which would
free the block of 32 MSIs, and allocate a new block. This would undo the
retarget of MSI1-17, and likely leave those MSIs targeting invalid VCPU vectors.
This is addressed by patch 1, which is introduced first to prevent a regression.
Jeffrey Hugo (2):
PCI: hv: Reuse existing ITRE allocation in compose_msi_msg()
PCI: hv: Fix interrupt mapping for multi-MSI
Applied to hyperv-next. Thanks.
Huh? I thought you wanted a V2. I was intending on sending that out today.
Please send them out. I will apply the new version.