Re: [PATCH 3/4] memcg: enable accounting for struct cgroup
From: Michal Koutný
Date: Mon May 23 2022 - 09:52:47 EST
On Fri, May 20, 2022 at 11:16:32PM +0300, Vasily Averin <vvs@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> common part: ~11Kb + 318 bytes percpu
> memcg: ~17Kb + 4692 bytes percpu
> cpu: ~2.5Kb + 1036 bytes percpu
> cpuset: ~3Kb + 12 bytes percpu
> blkcg: ~3Kb + 12 bytes percpu
> pid: ~1.5Kb + 12 bytes percpu
> perf: ~320b + 60 bytes percpu
> -------------------------------------------
> total: ~38Kb + 6142 bytes percpu
> currently accounted: 4668 bytes percpu
Thanks for the breakdown and this overview!