Re: [PATCH 2/2] uio:powerpc:mpc85xx: l2-cache-sram uio driver implementation
From: Wenhu Wang
Date: Tue Jun 14 2022 - 03:54:24 EST
>> >> +
>> >> +struct mpc85xx_l2ctlr {
>> >> + u32 ctl; /* 0x000 - L2 control */
>> >
>> >What is the endian of these u32 values? You map them directly to
>> >memory, so they must be specified some way, right? Please make it
>> >obvious what they are.
>> >
>> Surely, the values should be u32 here, modified in v2
>> The controller info could be found in
>> "QorIQ™ P2020 Integrated Processor Reference Manual"
>> "Chapter 6 L2 Look-Aside Cache/SRAM"
>> See:
>That's not the answer to my question :)
>These are big-endian, right? Please mark them as such and access them
>properly with the correct functions.
Yes, they are big-edian.
Does it work to add comments(about order and access functions) for the structure ahead of it?
And appending like "_be", "_access_be" or "_big_endian"? (struct mpc85xx_l2ctlr_be {……};
>Tabs in Linux are always 8 spaces wide.
I will re-confirm the v2 of identation.
>> I looked at that patch.
>> I don't think you can just drop the #ifdef in function
>> __access_remote_vm() in mm/memory.c
>> You have to replace it with something like:
>> break;
>Another thing in that patch:
>By making generic_access_phys() a static inline, it means that everytime
>you refer to the address of that function in a vm_operations_struct
>struct, the compiler has to provide an outlined instance of the
>function. It means you'll likely have several instances of a
>What you could do instead is to add the following at the start of
>generic_access_phys() in mm/memory.c :
> return 0;
It is really a better chmoce, thanks for the advice.
Multiple instances exist as you mentioned, the block returns 0 with no-op
instance which makes no difference with the function return value.
I will update the patch after a re-confirming.