Retbleed, Zen2 and STIBP
From: Ken Moffat
Date: Mon Jul 18 2022 - 04:19:12 EST
Probably like most people, I find the detail of the available
retbleed mitigations obscure. In particular, for zen2 the options
*might* include ibpb or unret.
But I have failed to find what 'unret' actually means. Any
pointers, please ?
While ibpb might be available (and slow), on my Renoir with
microcode level (0860106h) there were no newer microcode versions
available when I last looked (a few weeks ago) but note 7 at the
bottom of
implies that the relevant bit is only set on Renoir in 0860109h and
Some of the text in that pdf implies that at least one of the
options could be set if not already set from the microcode, but the
amount of detail leaves me totally lost.
Assuming, for the moment, that I might want to try this full
mitigation, is there any way to set this in the absence of newer
microcode ?
Or should I just accept that the best I can get is 'unret', whatever
that means ?
It is very easy to get ridiculously confused about the tenses of
time travel, but most things can be resolved by a sufficiently
large ego. -- The Last Continent