Can you please elaborate more what you see as a performance problem? And* The current patch should just work, but prefer to have pre-boot guest
payload/firmware population into private memory for performance.
Not just performance in the case of SEV, it's needed there because firmware
only supports in-place encryption of guest memory, there's no mechanism to
provide a separate buffer to load into guest memory at pre-boot time. I
think you're aware of this but wanted to point that out just in case.
I view it as a performance problem because nothing stops KVM from copying from
userspace into the private fd during the SEV ioctl(). What's missing is the
ability for userspace to directly initialze the private fd, which may or may not
avoid an extra memcpy() depending on how clever userspace is.
possible ways to solve it?
Oh, I'm not saying there actually _is_ a performance problem. What I'm saying is
that in-place encryption is not a functional requirement, which means it's purely
an optimization, and thus we should other bother supporting in-place encryption
_if_ it would solve a performane bottleneck.