On Mon, 18 Jul 2022 11:51:26 +0200
Peter Zijlstra <peterz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Do we care? Should it be fixed? Should it be documented?
*shrug*, I suppose we can fix. People using this stuff are the sort that
are likely to read documentation instead of code.
At the same time; I suspect it's been 'broken' like forever, so who
knows what people are actually expecting today.
As you stated, it's used by people that read documentation more than the
code. My expectation is that they are making wrong decisions because what
they expect those numbers to mean are not what is actually happening.
I think it's better to make the functionality match the documentation, and
if people complain, we can ask them what exactly they expected and why. And
perhaps they might be complaining that a benchmark isn't behaving as
expected because they were interpreting the results incorrectly.
I'll go write up a fix.