tree: master
head: 74cae210a335d159f2eb822e261adee905b6951a
commit: efc9909fdce00a827a37609628223cd45bf95d0b bpf, arm64: Add bpf trampoline for arm64
date: 4 weeks ago
config: arm64-randconfig-s051-20220805 (
compiler: aarch64-linux-gcc (GCC) 12.1.0
wget -O ~/bin/make.cross
chmod +x ~/bin/make.cross
# apt-get install sparse
# sparse version: v0.6.4-39-gce1a6720-dirty
git remote add linus
git fetch --no-tags linus master
git checkout efc9909fdce00a827a37609628223cd45bf95d0b
# save the config file
mkdir build_dir && cp config build_dir/.config
COMPILER_INSTALL_PATH=$HOME/0day COMPILER=gcc-12.1.0 make.cross C=1 CF='-fdiagnostic-prefix -D__CHECK_ENDIAN__' O=build_dir ARCH=arm64 SHELL=/bin/bash arch/arm64/net/
If you fix the issue, kindly add following tag where applicable
Reported-by: kernel test robot <lkp@xxxxxxxxx>
sparse warnings: (new ones prefixed by >>)
arch/arm64/net/bpf_jit_comp.c:1683:16: sparse: expected unsigned int [usertype] *brancharch/arm64/net/bpf_jit_comp.c:1683:16: sparse: sparse: incorrect type in assignment (different base types) @@ expected unsigned int [usertype] *branch @@ got restricted __le32 [usertype] * @@
arch/arm64/net/bpf_jit_comp.c:1683:16: sparse: got restricted __le32 [usertype] *
arch/arm64/net/bpf_jit_comp.c:1733:29: sparse: expected unsigned int [usertype] *arch/arm64/net/bpf_jit_comp.c:1699:52: sparse: sparse: subtraction of different types can't work (different base types)
arch/arm64/net/bpf_jit_comp.c:1733:29: sparse: sparse: incorrect type in assignment (different base types) @@ expected unsigned int [usertype] * @@ got restricted __le32 [usertype] * @@
arch/arm64/net/bpf_jit_comp.c:1733:29: sparse: got restricted __le32 [usertype] *
arch/arm64/net/bpf_jit_comp.c:1917:52: sparse: sparse: subtraction of different types can't work (different base types)
vim +1683 arch/arm64/net/bpf_jit_comp.c
1641 static void invoke_bpf_prog(struct jit_ctx *ctx, struct bpf_tramp_link *l,
1642 int args_off, int retval_off, int run_ctx_off,
1643 bool save_ret)
1644 {
1645 u32 *branch;
1646 u64 enter_prog;
1647 u64 exit_prog;
1648 struct bpf_prog *p = l->link.prog;
1649 int cookie_off = offsetof(struct bpf_tramp_run_ctx, bpf_cookie);
1651 if (p->aux->sleepable) {
1652 enter_prog = (u64)__bpf_prog_enter_sleepable;
1653 exit_prog = (u64)__bpf_prog_exit_sleepable;
1654 } else {
1655 enter_prog = (u64)__bpf_prog_enter;
1656 exit_prog = (u64)__bpf_prog_exit;
1657 }
1659 if (l->cookie == 0) {
1660 /* if cookie is zero, one instruction is enough to store it */
1661 emit(A64_STR64I(A64_ZR, A64_SP, run_ctx_off + cookie_off), ctx);
1662 } else {
1663 emit_a64_mov_i64(A64_R(10), l->cookie, ctx);
1664 emit(A64_STR64I(A64_R(10), A64_SP, run_ctx_off + cookie_off),
1665 ctx);
1666 }
1668 /* save p to callee saved register x19 to avoid loading p with mov_i64
1669 * each time.
1670 */
1671 emit_addr_mov_i64(A64_R(19), (const u64)p, ctx);
1673 /* arg1: prog */
1674 emit(A64_MOV(1, A64_R(0), A64_R(19)), ctx);
1675 /* arg2: &run_ctx */
1676 emit(A64_ADD_I(1, A64_R(1), A64_SP, run_ctx_off), ctx);
1678 emit_call(enter_prog, ctx);
1680 /* if (__bpf_prog_enter(prog) == 0)
1681 * goto skip_exec_of_prog;
1682 */
1683 branch = ctx->image + ctx->idx;1684 emit(A64_NOP, ctx);
1686 /* save return value to callee saved register x20 */
1687 emit(A64_MOV(1, A64_R(20), A64_R(0)), ctx);
1689 emit(A64_ADD_I(1, A64_R(0), A64_SP, args_off), ctx);
1690 if (!p->jited)
1691 emit_addr_mov_i64(A64_R(1), (const u64)p->insnsi, ctx);
1693 emit_call((const u64)p->bpf_func, ctx);
1695 if (save_ret)
1696 emit(A64_STR64I(A64_R(0), A64_SP, retval_off), ctx);
1698 if (ctx->image) {
1699 int offset = &ctx->image[ctx->idx] - branch;1700 *branch = A64_CBZ(1, A64_R(0), offset);
1701 }
1703 /* arg1: prog */
1704 emit(A64_MOV(1, A64_R(0), A64_R(19)), ctx);
1705 /* arg2: start time */
1706 emit(A64_MOV(1, A64_R(1), A64_R(20)), ctx);
1707 /* arg3: &run_ctx */
1708 emit(A64_ADD_I(1, A64_R(2), A64_SP, run_ctx_off), ctx);
1710 emit_call(exit_prog, ctx);
1711 }
1713 static void invoke_bpf_mod_ret(struct jit_ctx *ctx, struct bpf_tramp_links *tl,
1714 int args_off, int retval_off, int run_ctx_off,
1715 u32 **branches)
1716 {
1717 int i;
1719 /* The first fmod_ret program will receive a garbage return value.
1720 * Set this to 0 to avoid confusing the program.
1721 */
1722 emit(A64_STR64I(A64_ZR, A64_SP, retval_off), ctx);
1723 for (i = 0; i < tl->nr_links; i++) {
1724 invoke_bpf_prog(ctx, tl->links[i], args_off, retval_off,
1725 run_ctx_off, true);
1726 /* if (*(u64 *)(sp + retval_off) != 0)
1727 * goto do_fexit;
1728 */
1729 emit(A64_LDR64I(A64_R(10), A64_SP, retval_off), ctx);
1730 /* Save the location of branch, and generate a nop.
1731 * This nop will be replaced with a cbnz later.
1732 */
1733 branches[i] = ctx->image + ctx->idx;1734 emit(A64_NOP, ctx);
1735 }
1736 }