Re: [PATCH v2] mtd: spi-nor: siliconkaiser: add support for sk25lp128
From: Tom Fitzhenry
Date: Sat Aug 06 2022 - 11:22:39 EST
On 21/7/22 18:08, Tudor.Ambarus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Does this flash implement the manufacturer ID continuation codes?
Can you read more bytes of manufacturer ID and dump them?
I'm not sure how to do this, but from what I can gather, flash chips
that implement manufacturer ID continuation codes return >3 bytes in
response to RDID. Is this correct?
To do this, in tools/spi/spidex_fdx.c I set buf[0] = 0x9F, and then
executed this with a large recvbuf:
$ sudo ./a.out -m 6 /dev/spidev0.0
/dev/spidev0.0: spi mode 0x0, 8 bits per word, 10000000 Hz max
response( 6, 7): 25 70 18 25 70 18
It looks like the 3-byte response has cycled, suggesting this flash chip
does not implement continuation codes.
If the flash does not define the continuation codes, we'll need to
add this flash in a ID collisions driver.
I will do this in v3.