SIGIO with si_code==POLL_HUP on read pipe FD with no writers?

From: Jason Vas Dias
Date: Mon Sep 05 2022 - 18:03:34 EST

Good day -

To the last committer & maintainers of 'linux/fs/pipe.c' :

Why isn't a SIGIO signal with POLL_HUP in 'si_code'
raised on an O_ASYNC, F_SETOWN{,_EX} pid F_SETSIG
signal owning pipe read file descriptor ?

All that happens when the write end of a pipe is
closed is that a SIGIO gets raised with the
(struct siginfo* parameter)->si_code set
to 1 ( POLL_IN ) , and then
ioctl( fd, FIONREAD, &sz)
then returns with sz==0 for that fd ;
a read() on that fd would then return 0.

Looking at pipe.c, the situation of no pipe writers
is detected and revents is set to contain EPOLLHUP
ONLY in pipe_poll(), not pipe_read() .

pipe_read() (in version 5.19) DOES detect the
no writers situation :

fs/pipe.c, @line 255:
for (;;) {
/* Read ->head with a barrier vs post_one_notification() */
@line 341:
if (!pipe->writers)

It would be quite easy to add after the pipe_read() loop quits a clause as in
pipe_poll() , @ line 677:
mask = 0;
if (filp->f_mode & FMODE_READ) {
if (!pipe_empty(head, tail))
if (!pipe->writers && filp->f_version != pipe->w_counter)
mask |= EPOLLHUP;

which does something like :

if ( !pipe->writers )
kill_fasync(&pipe->fasync_readers, SIGIO, POLL_HUP);

It is not nice to have to GUESS that just because
ioctl(fd, FIONREAD, &sz)
returns with sz==0 immediately after a POLL_IN event,
that the pipe in fact has no writers, because the
signal could be blocked when the ioctl call happens.

And if one happens not to try to read 0 bytes from the pipe,
then one would never know that no writers exist on it, and
could pause() infinitely waiting for a signal.
Or why should I have to put the FD into O_NONBLOCK mode
(which mine was not in) and attempt a read to return
0 bytes, when I know 0 bytes are available to read ?

OR, maybe in pipe_write(), @ line 595 where it does :

kill_fasync(&pipe->fasync_readers, SIGIO, POLL_IN);

(which is probably where the FINAL POLL_IN signal originates)
it could instead do:
kill_fasync(&pipe->fasync_readers, SIGIO,
((ret==0) && (pipe->fasync_writers <= 1))

It seems there are several easy ways to fix this and
I believe that it would make processes wanting to
read pipes using SIGIO much more robust & simple to code.

Processes would still be able to rely on read()s returning
0 in this case, but please, why can't SIGIO using processes
also get a definitive SIGIO with si_code==POLL_HUP, not POLL_IN ?

There appears to be similar logic that does send
a final POLL_HUP SIGIO when the remote write end of
a readable socket closes - why not for pipes ?

And the sigaction manual page states:
The following values can be placed in si_code for a SIGIO/SIGPOLL sig‐

Data input available.

Output buffers available.

Input message available.

I/O error.

High priority input available.

Device disconnected.
which suggests that these events should be raised for all devices -
it does not mention any special cases for pipe file descriptors,
so readers would reasonably expect a POLL_HUP event to be sent
on a read end of a pipe with no writers.

Please do something about this -
or would a patch from me that fixes this ever be
likely to be considered ?

Thanks for any responses & Best Regards,
Jason Vas Dias