Re: [PATCH 2/2] PCI: mvebu: switch to using gpiod API
From: Kent Gibson
Date: Thu Sep 15 2022 - 05:30:39 EST
On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 10:51:02AM +0200, Linus Walleij wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 4:23 AM Kent Gibson <warthog618@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > After sleeping on this, I'm even more in disagreement with renaming
> > value to state.
> OK let's not do that then.
> > OTOH, I totally agree with the addition of GPIOD_ACTIVE/INACTIVE to be
> > used for the logical cases, and even a script to apply it globally.
> > Ideally that script would change both the calls to the logical functions
> > to use ACTIVE/INACTIVE, and the physical to HIGH/LOW.
> OK we have consensus on this.
> > Introducing enums for those, and changing the function signatures to
> > use those rather than int makes sense to me too.
> Either they can be enum or defined to bool true/false. Not really
> sure what is best. But intuitively enum "feels better" for me.
Enums work for me - especially if the goal is to differentiate
logical from physical - there should be a distinct enum for each.
> > Though I'm not sure
> > why that has to wait until after all users are changed to the new macros.
> > Would that generate lint warnings?
> I rather want it all to happen at once. One preparatory commit
> adding the new types and one sed script to refactor the whole
> lot. Not gradual switchover.
> The reason is purely administrative: we have too many refactorings
> lagging behind, mainly the GPIO descriptors that have been
> lagging behind for what is it? 5 years? 10? GPIO irqchips also dragged
> out for way too long. We can't keep doing things gradually like
> this, it takes too much time and effort.
> I don't want any more "in-transition-indefinitely" stuff in the GPIO
> subsystem if I can avoid it.
> Therefore I would advice to switch it all over at the end of a merge
> window and be done with it.
Agreed - do it all at once. My question was specific to the change of the
function signatures to using enums - what is to prevent us doing that
before running the sed script, and have the script switch usage over to
the enums?