Re: [PATCH v2] crypto: aspeed: fix build module error

From: Dhananjay Phadke
Date: Fri Sep 16 2022 - 13:21:13 EST

On 9/16/2022 3:42 AM, Herbert Xu wrote:
Does this still build if both HASH and CRYPTO are off?

I think this it's best if you do:


obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_ASPEED) += aspeed_crypto.o
aspeed_crypto-objs := aspeed-hace.o \
$(hace-hash-y) \

aspeed-hace.o effects only if either hace-hash-y or hace-crypto-y.
If we put aspeed-hace.o in aspeed_crypto-objs, but hace-hash-y and hace-crypto-y are empty, apseed-hace.o is just an useless driver which might still occupy system resources.
Apparently it doesn't build after all, at least not on m68k.

So please either adopt my suggestion above, or come up with another
way of preventing the build failure on m68k with both HASH and CRYPTO

Curious why compiled on m68k? It's embedded controller in ARM based
Aspeed SoCs. And there's "depends on ARCH_ASPEED" in Kconfig, need
some additional dependencies?
