Re: debugging rmmod failures

From: Stephen Brennan
Date: Mon Sep 19 2022 - 12:49:07 EST

On 9/16/22 13:13, Steve French wrote:
Any suggestions on how to debug why rmmod fails with EBUSY?

I was trying to debug a problem where rmmod fails during an xfstest
run but couldn't find useful information on how to get ideas 'why'
rmmod is failing (in this case with EBUSY) and I could only find two
places where EBUSY would plausibly be returned but don't see the
pr_debug message in the log (e.g. "already dying") that I would expect
to get in those cases.

It also fails in this test scenario (which takes a while to reproduce
so isn't trivial to repro) with EBUSY when doing "rmmod --verbose
--force" and the --verbose didn't display any additional info.

I also tried "trace-cmd record -e *module*" which showed it (one call)
returning 0xFFFFFFF0 but nothing useful that I could see.

In situations like this I sometimes find it useful to use the ftrace
function_graph tracer. It can show you every single function call,
starting from some root function. Of course it's a bit of a footgun, so
be careful with it :)

I used it to trace the delete_module system call like so:

# trace-cmd record -p function_graph -g __x64_sys_delete_module \
# trace-cmd report
rmmod-41656 [007] 5506.963846: funcgraph_entry: | __x64_sys_delete_module() {
rmmod-41656 [007] 5506.963846: funcgraph_entry: | capable() {
rmmod-41656 [007] 5506.963846: funcgraph_entry: | security_capable() {
... ...
rmmod-41656 [007] 5506.965521: funcgraph_entry: | free_module() {
rmmod-41656 [007] 5506.965521: funcgraph_entry: | mod_sysfs_teardown() {
rmmod-41656 [007] 5506.965522: funcgraph_entry: | mutex_lock() {

Of course, my module teardown succeeded, but you should be able to
cross reference your function calls with the source code to see where
an error may have occurred.


Any ideas on how to debug *why* an rmmod fails?