Clean the rust spot

From: wu seafly
Date: Tue Oct 04 2022 - 05:17:48 EST

This email was sent on behalf of AlanCui4080<me@xxxxxxxxxx>

As we all know, rust finally stepped into the kernel mainline.

However, there are many people with a negative opinion of rust.

So if you are like-minded to me, please give "non-rusted kernel tree"a go.

We will keep the source tree up to the mainline but NOT RUSTED. Once a
core module is RUSTED, we will CLEAN it into C and keep it up.

Nobody can also make differences.Let's do rust removal together.


The first rust spot on the kernel:

author Linus Torvalds <torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2022-10-03 16:39:37 -0700

committer Linus Torvalds <torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2022-10-03
16:39:37 -0700

commit 8aebac82933ff1a7c8eede18cab11e1115e2062b (patch)

tree 8305fe6437fe1db1a5dedf218d53a6bd21120793

parent a5088ee7251e5106a4efa9588a73866eb4b4154e (diff)

parent 615131b8e9bcd88e2d3ef78a4954ff4abfbb1fb7 (diff)

download linux-8aebac82933ff1a7c8eede18cab11e1115e2062b.tar.gz

Merge tag 'rust-v6.1-rc1' of