Re: [PATCH v6 6/6] arm64: defconfig: Add tps65219 as modules

From: jerome Neanne
Date: Wed Oct 12 2022 - 04:39:31 EST

On 11/10/2022 16:48, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
On 11/10/2022 10:05, Jerome Neanne wrote:
This adds defconfig option to support TPS65219 PMIC, MFD, Regulators

Do not use "This commit/patch".

and power-button.

You explained what you did, which is easily visible. You did not explain
why you are doing it.

Best regards,

Thanks for pointing me to the detailed guidelines
I'm new to upstream and not well aware of all good practices.

Would below commit message be more suitable:

Add support for the TPS65219 PMIC by enabling MFD, regulator and power-button drivers. All drivers enabled as modules.

Best regards