Re: [PATCH] x86/fpu: Remove dynamic features from xcomp_bv for init_fpstate

From: Dave Hansen
Date: Thu Oct 13 2022 - 13:44:38 EST

On 10/13/22 10:33, Chang S. Bae wrote:
>>> -       mask = fpstate->user_xfeatures;
>>> +       mask = fpstate->user_xfeatures & fpstate->xfeatures;
>> I'm not sure this is quite right either.
>> Doesn't kvm expect that all of the ->user_xfeatures will end up being
>> copied out?  We surely can't copy them from 'fpstate' if the feature
>> isn't there, but we can't skip them entirely, can we?
> No, we can't skip them. IIUC, the code will zero out:
>     /*
>      * ... The gap tracking will zero these states.
>      */
>     mask = fpstate->user_xfeatures;
>     for_each_extended_xfeature(i, mask) {
>         /*
>          * If there was a feature or alignment gap, zero the space
>          * in the destination buffer.
>          */
>         if (zerofrom < xstate_offsets[i])
>             membuf_zero(&to, xstate_offsets[i] - zerofrom);
>         <snip>

Ahh, good point. A better comment for that would be:

* Some user_xfeatures may not be present in the fpstate.
* Remove those from 'mask' to zero those features in the
* user buffer instead of retrieving them from fpstate.